Part Six

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Josh comes over and gives me a kiss. Avan kisses my cheek. “Hey now Avan, don’t get all smoochy on my girl.” Avan laughs. “I would never do that.” I laugh. 

Mom comes rushing in the room. "Rilei," i look up. "I have bad news." 


"Whats wrong mom?" she comes over. "I think you need to sit down for this. All of you do." So all four of us sit down so we could take the news better. "I don’t know how to say this, but," a tear slips from her eye. "Aunt Jenny died."

That last word hit me a ton a bricks. A few tears slip from my eyes, as I hug Josh and bury my head in his chest and cry. I feel his hand on top on my head. I hear Avan comforting my mom. I can't believe Aunt Jenny died. She was my favorite person. Well, other than Josh, but still. I loved hanging out with her. 

[2 1/2 Hours Later]

I wake up in my bed. I look up and see that no one is in here, so I get up and go downstairs to see mom, Josh and Avan sitting down, eating the meal, that I had came close to even starting. I smile. I see mom, and I put my index finger over my lips, meaning not to say anything. 

I walk over to Josh and put my hands over his eyes. Rilei. I know thats you." he moves my hands and turns around and hugs me. "You feeling better?" "Yeah. A little." he smiles. "Good." I look at mom. "We finished the meal that you had started." i laugh. "I see. How?" Avan turns to me. "Well, for starters, we found a paper with the ingredients and how to make it. Its really good." I smile. "You want some?" Josh asks. "Yeah."

I sit down while Josh gets me some alfredo. I take a bite; it is good. I smile. "Well. What do you know? You can cook." he shrugs. I take his face and kiss his lips right in front of mom and Avan. 

After we finish eating, we all go outside and enjoy the weather, by playing a little basketball.

[3:30 pm]

All of us decide to watch a movie, and I have several movies, so whatever we wanted to watch, we watched. But before we started the movies, Avan and Josh had to ask mom a question. "Is it okay if we stay here tonight?" she smiles. "Of course it is." I smile. "There's an extra bedroom upstairs Avan that you can use." he smiles. "Thanks." "Anytime."

After that, we got the movies going. :) 

[Next Day]

After everything that went on yesterday, we decided we needed to cool off, so why not have a barbecue. Avan invited two of his friends, and so did Josh. I invited Stevie over cause I haven’t seen her since she left and went to her friends house. Mom invited grandma.

Since Josh is a “grill master”, we decided to let him run the grill. We had hot-dogs and burgers and chicken, and ribs, and shrimp. You name it, we got it. 

"Don’t burn anything Josh. If you do i’ll fire you." he laughs. "You can’t fire me! I’m your boyfriend." "True, but I can get Avan to take over. Right Avan?" "Yep!" Josh looked worried. He flips us off. My work here is done. :) *evil laugh*

The rest of the day was amazing. Josh didn't burn anything. Thank god. I gave him a big slobbery kiss for not burning the food. Everyone saw. I didn't mind. 

After everyone ate, and waited at least 30 minutes before getting in the pool, me, Josh, Avan, Stevie, and another friend of Avan's, got in the pool. Josh thought it'd be funny to get me back by sneaking up on me and scaring the crap out of me. Not funny Josh. You know what they say, karma's a bitch. So watch your back Hutch. :) 


The only one's left was Josh, Avan, Stevie, and one friend of Josh's. Make that Josh, Avan and Stevie. And if course me and mom. 

Mom got called in for an emergency. Josh, Avan, Stevie and me. 

About 35 minutes later, Stevie had to go home (to her apartment) and Avan volunteered to take her home so she's get home safe. I thanked Avan, and they left. It was me and Josh left. Thank you Jesus. 

I was on one side of the pool, and he was on the other side. He was staring at me pretty hard. He wanted something. Whenever he stares hard, I know he wants something. He takes his time swimming over to me. Once he reaches me, he stares at my lips. The last time that happened, was when we had are first kiss. 

He oh so desperately takes my hand and kisses the top. Then, he kisses my lips. We end up making out right then and there. Afterwards, we keep our foreheads together. I smile and bite my lip. "I have a surprise for you tomorrow." "What is it?" "I can't tell you that." I frown. he pecks my lips. "Come on lets get inside."

[9:15 am]

Once again, I wake up in my bedroom. I hear a knock at the door, so I get up and open it to reveal Josh with a tray of cheese grits, blueberry waffles, orange juice, and bacon. I just love how he know what I want, and how I want it. I get back in bed as Josh brings me my breakfast. "You want some?" "No thanks. I already ate." he smiles. I peck his lips and eat. :)

After I eat, I get dressed and get ready for a day with Josh. :)


He still hasn't told me what we were doing today. Its nerve wracking. Josh pulls up in a park and we get out. I look around and smile. He remembered. I haven't been horse back riding since I was 14. We get on a horse and I follow Josh to wherever he's going.

We stop and I see a picnic setup. Awww. "You did all this? For me?" "Yeah. But of course, I had some help from Avan." I peck his lips.

We sit and eat in silence. It was a good silence. I love how romantic he can be. Its so sweet. 

After we ate, we got back on the horses and just rode around. We took our time. I told him a little bit more about my background, and where I grew up, and the best pranks I did, and that we had a prank competition and the winner won $5,000, and I won.

He did the same thing. He grew up Union Kentucky, and a few more things. He is a total sweetheart. 

If you would've told me a month ago that I would meet and fall in love with Josh Hutcherson from The Hunger Games, I wouldn't believe you.

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