Part Three

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The kiss I had with Josh last night was amazing. And when I got home I knew Stevie and my mom would ask questions, so just as I saw them I walked right passed them and into my room, smiling like an idiot. I couldn'y night. I was up all night thinking about Josh and looking at the picture Josh took of kissig. Everytime I looked at it I smiled a little more.

I was now in between my mom and Stevie, telling them everything about what had happened last. I couldn't stop smiling.

As I was just about to tell them about the kiss, my phone buzzed. I looked down to see it was Josh.

what are you doing tonight?

"Is that Josh? Tell him i said hi."

absolutely nothing.  

"So, as I was saying," bzzzzz

i was wondering if you wanted to meet my family tonight for dinner? if thats okay with you..

I look at Mom, then at Stevie. "Its up to you sweetie." Should I?

I'd love too.

great. see you at 8. :)

are you on a rhyming streak?

*laughs uncontrolably* Hahahaha. your funny.

really? :)

:) see you tonight.


I look at mom and Stevie and tell them about the kiss. Their reaction? "Really?" "No way." "OMG!" "Did he really?"

I smile then look down. I was nervous but also excited about tonight. I don't know what to wear. I guess i can wear a dress. Which one? I though about it for a minute. Then it hit me. I can wear the one with the side pockets. Its not too elegant, but its not too casual. Its a mix of both.  

[6:45 pm]

I look at the clock and see that its only 6:45, so I jump in the shower, wash my hair, and get out. I dry my hair, then straighten it. I look at the clock again; 7:35. I quickly get my dress on and slip my shoes then watch tv to pass the time until Josh gets here.

[7:55 pm]

It was almost 8 and I haven't heard from Josh yet. 

As I turn the channel, my phone buzzed. Im here. Do you want me to come inside?.. or?.. 

No. I'll come out to you. 

"Mom! Stevie! I'll be back later." I hear an Okay from them and walk outside. But I stopped dead in my tracks. He was leaning against the car with a smile on his face and had something behind his back. I walk to him and kiss him on the cheek. He smiled. He brought whatever it was from behind his back and smiles. "These are for you." He gave me a bouquet of flowers. Awwwwww. :) 

"You look great." I smiled. "As do you." he opened the passenger side door for me to get in then he gets in the drivers side as we head off to his parents house.

[8:20 pm]

"Josh has told us a lot about you." his mom says. "I hope its good." I look at him just as he smiles. We talk a little more, laughing while crying and some other stuff. After supper, i insisted i wash dishes, but Michelle wouldn't let me. She said Josh had planned something else.

I thanked the Hutcherson for the food, and went outside with Josh getting in the passenger as he got in the driver side. "So. Where are we going?" "That is my information to know and for you to soon find out." He smiled. "Alright hutch spill." "Nope sorry." Even though  i tried to get him to tell me where we were going, he wouldn't budge. 

I just there and looked through the window and try to figure out where we were headed to. I never did. I see him turn into the parking lot and park in a space. I look and see a beach. Nothing too fancy. "What are we doing at the beach?" he smiled "You'll see." He came around to my side and opened my door then closing it. I took my shoes off so I could walk better on the sand.

As we were walking I saw something. It was a hammock and around it were several candles. I smiled. 

We layed in the hammock and stayed there for what seemed like forever. until he had to take me home.

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