Part Four

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song: Carrie Underwood - See You Again /

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[2:25 pm]

Mom was out of town for a few days and Stevie had to meet a friend somewhere, so basically I was home by myself. I liked being home like this, but I wanted someone to hangout with. I couldn't call Stevie. I would call Josh, but he's probably busy. Maybe if i text him i wouldn't mess anything up.

hey josh. my mom is outta town for a few days and Stevie is out with a friend, so i'm home by myself, and wanted to know if you'd like to come over and hangout?

I get a bottled water out of the refrigerator and sit on the couch and watch tv.

yeah. sure. you have a pool right?

i laugh


okay. just give me a few minutes to get my swim trunks and i'll be right over.


After a few minutes of watching tv, i hear the sound of Josh's jeep pull up in the driveway. He gets out and comes in. "Hey." "Hey."  i look at his hair. "What on earth did you do to your hair Josh?" "I colored it blonde." "I see." he puts his car keys on the counter and sits down on the couch. "What do you think about it?" i smile. "Actually, i think it looks good on you." "Really?" i nod my head. 

"If you didn't text me, i wouldn't come over anyways." "But there's a reason why i said i was." I see him get up and walk over to me. "I wanted to ask you a question." he takes my hand in his. "Ever since the first conversation i had with you on twitter, i knew i wanted to meet you and get to know you really well, and i feel like i do. What I'm trying to get at, is, would you be my girlfriend?" 

I stood there in shock. Did Josh Hutcherson really ask me to be his girlfriend? I look at him and smile. "I'd be honored to." he smiled then kissed me. The kiss was very passionate. This was a happy moment for me. No one could ruin this moment. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. It was my mom. 

I know you're probably asking why I didn't call you. I'm somewhere where I can't call, but I could text you. What I'm trying to get at; i had forgotten to tell you the day i left that today is your dads birthday. I thought you'd might wanna go see him today. Take Josh with you just in case you didn't feel like driving. If you go, be safe. 

I looked at the calendar; today is dads birthday. "Do you wanna come somewhere with me?" he look at me. "Yeah. of course." I grab my keys to the Jeep and go to the graveside to see dad.

[At the Grave] / [4:15]

I pull up and sit there for a minute, then get out,and so does Josh, and walk up to daddy's grave. "Hey daddy. I miss you. A lot. If you're wondering who this, well. This is Josh. My boyfriend. He's a good person daddy. He has a good heart too."

I'm on the verge of tears at this point. I sit down on the grass, as does Josh, and we sit there for a while. A few tears leave my eyes. I feel Josh hug me from behind, comforting me.

"Is it okay if I asked how he died?" i nod my head. "He was leaving work, and wanted to surprise my mom and bring her flowers. After he got the flowers, he was headed home. His light was green and the other's were red. The drunk driver ran the red light and hit him head on," i feel tears running down my face. "killed him on impact." I bury my head in his chest and just cried. Until I look at Josh. 

I feel my phone buzz and see its mom, but I didn't want to talk right now. So Josh answered it. "Hello?" "Hey Josh. Is Rilei their?" "Yeah, but she doesn't wanna talk right now." "Okay. Just tell her that something happened and i'm on my way home from San Diego." "Okay. Thanks Mrs. Jordyn." "Please, call me Katheryn. I have to go now. So i guess I'll see you tonight?"Yeah. We'll talk later.I see him smile as he hangs up.

"What did my mom want?" "She said that something came up and their sending her home, so she's on here way home right now." I nod my head. "Lets go home."  I look at dads grave once more. "I love you daddy." I toss Josh the keys as we get in my jeep and head home.

[At Home] / [5:44]

As we pull up in my drive, it was almost dark. I didn't want Josh to drive in the dark so I told him he could stay tonight. He accepted. We ate and sat on the couch together watching tv. I fell asleep on Josh's lap. 

[10:28 pm]

I hear my moms car pull up in the driveway. I hear the house door open and close, then i hear her and Josh talk a little bit. I also hear them talk about Josh and I being together. She's happy for us. I'm happy. :)

[9:30 am]

As I wake up, i look around and see i'm in my room. I look on my nightstand and see a note from Josh; in case you wake up and have a headache, take two of these, and come downstairs for breakfast. - Josh :)

Awwww. I do as told then go downstairs and see Josh sitting at the counter eating and talking to my mom. "Good morning! Hows your headache?" "Better. Thanks." I sit down and eat breakfast. "So mom. How do you like his hair?" She looks at his hair; "I love it. It looks good on him." "I said the same thing." he smiles.

"I just wanna say thank you for looking after her yesterday Josh. You were there when I couldn't be." i smile. "You're very welcome. She means everything to me. If something ever happened to her, I don't know what i'd do." she smiles. "I love her." i smile.

"I love you too, Josh."

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