🍪 Cookie Six 🍪

21 2 4

A tall guy with pitch black hair, tanned skin, angular features and eyes like mine. Well not exactly like mine as his were brown and blue. He was wearing all black. Black hoodie, black shirt, black jeans and black shoes. He wasn't exactly emo though, he seemed different and strangely familiar.

What the hell am I thinking, I never met the guy in my life... But seriously he was like a guy version of me...

"Hi," I squeak out offering a tentative smile.

He just nods his head in response, barely acknowledging me and turns his attention back to Mr. Cardwell.

Okay then...

"Well, I was expecting a better welcoming than that Sam, not exactly showing the school spirt. You're even making me fell awkward," Mr. Cardwell states raising an eyebrow at me.

What the heck over reacting much?!?

I look down pretending to be embarrassed and sneak a peak in Cole's direction to see he was smirking!!

The cheek of him!!

I glared at him and I really wished that looks could kill. Then I stared to think about how bad that would be and how I was actually thankful that it couldn't because then no one would be alive today.

Snapping out of my weird trail of thoughts, I look back in the direction of Mr. Cardwell to see him looking at me expectantly.

"Oh, emm... sorry, what did you say?" I ask cringing.

"If you had been paying attention you would have heard me say that, after I give Mr. Van Holt his schedule you may show him around. And that you will be assisting him for the duration of the week and as long as he needs your help. It may be useful if you actually pay attention to what he says as well," He remarks and hands Cole his schedule.

Just when I thought I was back to normal. Uhh... today is really not my day.

"You can go now," he says picking up his magazine and leaning back into his chair.

I spring out of my chair and dash out of his office like I was on fire. I didn't even wait to see if Cole was following me.

Come on Sam pull it together!!

I lean against the wall outside the office and take a deep breath in and slowly let it out, trying to calm down. It helps a little I guess.

"Are you ready to go now?" A gruff voice says from beside me.

I glance up and see Cole looking at me impatiently. It was the first time I had heard him speak.

"Calm down, gosh you would swear we were going somewhere actually exciting..." I say and take another deep breath in and let it out slowly. "okay, now show me your schedule Mr. Impatient," I say with a sickly sweet smile.

He hands me his schedule and I scan through his classes.

"Huh...I think we have five of the same classes. Not too sure tough..." I comment and hand him back his schedule.

"You have Maths now but it'll be over in a few minutes so we'll just go to history and on the way I'll tell you what's what. Oh, by the way you are going to be falling asleep the second class starts from how excruciatingly boring Ms. Forest is," I declare with a small laugh thinking of all the times Rebecca had to shake me awake.

"Thats fine and thanks for the heads up," he says with an actually genuine smile and it was one hell of a smile. It turned out he had dimples.

OMG he has dimples... there so damn CUTE!!!

Ok calm down, breath, so far this is the only time he has been actually nice-ish. Is that even a word, I don't know anyways back to the present.

Realising I had just been staring at his dimples like a weirdo the whole time, I quickly averted my gaze and start walking down the hall.

"Are yeah coming or what?" I ask trying to hide the fact that I was completely embarrassed.

I don't get a response but I hear his footsteps behind me as I exit the hall into the reception.

"So where are you from?" I ask, curious and wanting to fill the silence.

"Around," was his descriptive reply.

"Well that narrows it down to the whole world," I scoffed rolling my eyes.

He just shrugs and puts his hands in his hoodie's pockets.

"Okay then, be that way..."
I scoff.

"Actually could we stop by my dorm. I think I forgot something, its room 182," he informs me showing me his key with the number on one of those name tag things.

"Oh...I guess we have a few minutes to spar," I say hesitantly and nod my head.

Why did I agree to this? Oh right I didn't... uh being the new kid even when your no longer the new kid is just uhhh...

We didn't say anything after that and I was glad. I didn't want to make even more of a fool out of myself, as it was I say he thought I was such a weirdo. Well he wouldn't be that far off but still.

We arrive outside the dorms with fifteen minutes to the next class. We would have to be quick to be in time for the next. Going up the stairs I glance over at Cole. He was staring forward, his eyes glazed over like he was deep in thought.

I wonder what he's thinking?

Shaking off the thought I scold myself and look away.

"That's my room, I share it with my friend," I say as we pass my room, 163 on the right.

He only nods his head, seemingly uncaring about this information.

Why did you show him where your room was, he could be some creep or a serial killer!?! Oh crap he probably is knowing my luck...it's official I have a death wish.

Pushing that disturbing thought away I turn my gaze to the numbers on the doors. 174, 176, 178, 180 and finally 184.

"Here we are. Do you want me to wait out here while you get your thing?" I ask while I waited for Cole to unlock the door.

"Yeah, I'll only be a sec," was his short reply.

He unlocks it and pushes the door open to reveal a room much like mine. It had two single beds, one with a dark blue duvet while the other was just a mattress. All his stuff we're in boxes on the right side of the room. His roommate seemed to be clean and organised if his side of the room had anything to say about his personality.

"Do you know who your roommate is?" I ask because I didn't have anything else to say.

"Yeah his names Layton Johnson. Know him?" Was his answer and he steps into his room to inspect it.

"Oh I know him alright," I mutter feeling a pinch of annoyance.

He looks back at me and raises an eyebrow questioningly picking up from my voice the annoyance I held for him. I just shrug giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Let him wonder... and what's with Layton's room being so clean?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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