🍪 Cookie Five 🍪

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"I'm so fancy you already know!" I shout into my brush as I was getting ready in the morning.

I look at the mirror in front of me to make sure my hair is ok. It was not... as usual my brown hair was still frizzy even after I had brushed it and that's why I liked to wear hats. I pat it down in an attempt to flatten it and it sort of works.

Eh good enough.

I was already wearing my uniform that I had begun to hate.

It was just so uncomfortable!!!

"I'm in the fast lane from L.A. to Tokyo!" Rebecca shouts from the bathroom.

I hum the rest of the song and check my phone for the time.

"Oh shit we have to go, we only have ten minutes!!" I shout in panic and start searching for my shoes.

Where are they!?!

Rebecca hops out of the bathroom with one shoe on and she was currently putting on the other.

After finally finding my shoes in amongst all the mess I shove them on. We both grab our bags and rush out the door.

"We're going to geography now, right?" I ask Rebecca because I still didn't know our schedule yet and she always knew where to go.

"Yeah, come on," was her reply and she quickened her pace. We race out the dorms into the main building and down the packed halls.

"Can Samantha Andrews please come to the principals office now, please," someone said through the intercom. I look at Rebecca sceptically and she gives me a shrug.

Great help she is...

"I guess I better go then. Wish me luck and I'll see you whenever," I say to Rebecca and turn around to head in the direction of the office.

"Good luck," she yells from behind me. 

I look over my shoulder to see her kiss three fingers and put her arm up in the air in the signature hunger games gesture.

I shake my head at her actions and let out a laugh. I turn back around and continue where I was going. I actually felt like I was heading to the hunger games or what I guess it felt like.

The halls were emptying as the students all trickled into their classes and it was very strange. I had gotten used to all the shouting and laughing but then again it was kind off a relief as well. It gave me time to clear my head and think.

I still had the picture of that guy in black in my head. For some reason I felt like I should remember something important about him and I got this feeling that I recognised him from somewhere. But whenever I thought I was close to figuring out what it was, I forgot all about it and I was back to square one. It was extremely frustrating so I had tried to distract myself as much as possible. So I hadn't given it much thought... well until now.

Uhh I couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling.

I tried to distract myself by concentrating on my surroundings. I noticed that I had walked quite a bit while I was stuck in my thoughts. I was already at the reception room and was currently heading towards the hall leading to the office.

Why did they call for me? Did I do something wrong? Was I in trouble? Did something happen at home?

All these questions went through my head replacing thoughts of the guy in black.

I enter the hall and looked up to see the paintings. The angels looked very elegant and regal while the demons looked fierce and aggressive.

It was interesting because the angels didn't have any halos and some of them didn't even seem to have wings. Some looked pretty human actually. It was the same with the demons, only some of them had horns and tails.

I stroll down the corridor slowly, in no rush to face what was in the office. However I eventually come to a stop outside the door. As with my first day at this place I knock on the door and a voice tells me to come in.

I comply and push open the door after I drew in a quick breath.

The office was more like a small library with the amount of books in it and then there was a huge, old wooden desk in the centre where Mr. Cardwell was sat behind. He was a tall, slim man who exuded confidence and power, even in his slight frame. He had black hair that was peppered with grey and near silver eyes that seemed to see into your soul. He was currently flicking through a magazine with stuff like "two weeks to six pack" and "are you a ying or yang?" on the front cover.


I shuffle inside and walk towards the leather chair in front of his desk.

He must have heard me because he puts down the magazine and looks at me with no emotion what so ever.

What did he want? And what's with the emotionless face?

"You're probably wondering what your doing here, am I correct?" He says propping his elbows onto the desk and clasping his hands together.

"Yes," I reply while wringing my hands.

"Take a seat please and we'll discuss why," he said indicating towards the seat in front of the desk.

"Okay..." I mutter.

I pull out the brown, leather chair and sit down.

My leg starts to go up and down, it does that when I'm nervous.

"Okay, how are you settling in?" He asks.

"Emm... fine," I say in return. Still unsure as to why he brought me here.

"That's good," he says with a nod.

Is he going to get to the point already the suspense is killing me!!!

"Well, I have brought you here today because we have a new student and due to the fact that you, yourself knows what it's like. I thought it was a fantastic idea to grant you the task of showing him around and welcoming him to the school," he says like it was some great honour.

Oh yeah get the student who barely knows her way around to show the new student around makes perfect sense...

Just after that thought I hear the door open behind me.

"Oh there he his now. Sam meet our new student, Cole Van Holt. Cole meet Samantha Andrews," Mr. Cardwell says with an actual smile.

I turn around in my seat to see...

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