🍪 Cookie Four 🍪

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         Picture of Rebecca ⬆️

"He had some nerve calling me that after I clearly told him to stop," I ranted while pacing up and down the cramped dorm room.

There was two single beds with a drawer on one side of it, a wooden closet, two study desks, one with school supplies all organised while the other not so much. It was pretty much like that for all the rest of the room , Rebecca's side was well, perfect and organised while mine was like a bomb hit it. There once was a chair on my side but now it was unrecognisable with the amount of clothes and crap on it.

The room was kind off symbolic in a way, Rebecca being a straight - A student who had plans to go to one of those fancy colleges. She had it all figured out and then she could talk to anyone and everyone, I don't know how she does it.

Then there was me, I was above average in school but certainly no straight - A student, I just aimed to pass. I had no clue what I was going to do after school, no clue...
I was pretty average in everything else too and the only thing that wasn't so average was my eyes, they were two different colours, one forest green and the other nearly black. Heterochromia; that's what people call it, a mutation. It's usually the first thing people notice about me and then of course how weird I was. I certainly wasn't shy, I was just happy with having one or two good friends and I had no filter at all.

"And then he made me get in trouble," I ranted to Rebecca some more and kicked one of my many socks that was on the floor. It flew up into the air and landed smack in the middle of Rebecca's face. Luckily she wasn't wearing her glasses or she would kill me.

What's with me and hitting people with stuff in the face.

"Oh my gosh Rebecca I'm so sorry," I say through a laugh. She lifts up her arm and picks up the black and pink sock to reveal a very displeased and disgusted face.

I tried to hold back a laugh but I just couldn't. She glares at me and pulls her arm back and launches the sock through the air towards me. It was like it was all in slow motion, I tried to dodge it by diving onto my unmade bed but it was to late. She got me right in the heart. I pretended to be shot and held my hand to my chest dramatically.

"I will haunt you Rebecca Maze, you'll regret this day for the rest of your life-" I whispered and pretend to be died, sticking my tongue out to add extra effect.

"Ohh don't be so dramatic Sa-" I cut her off by jumping off the bed with the sock in hand and firing it at her. It hits her shoulder and she takes in a loud gasp in surprise.

"Haha!! Take that!!" I shout and laugh evilly.

And that was what started a full on clothes fight, yes not a food fight but a clothes fight. We were throwing clothes left, right and centre. Jumping and dodging like ninjas, well I was the one like a ninja obviously. *hair flick*

We finally stopped nearly a full hour later due to exhaustion and the need to get something to eat.

"I am sooooo hungry, I could seriously eat a whole elephant," I say as I flopped down onto my clothes covered bed.

"An elephant huh? Not a horse?" Rebecca says with amusement.

"Yes an elephant, there much bigger you know?"

"Ok, lets go then," Rebeca says and gets up from her now own clothes covered bed.

"Yass, let's get something to eat," I say jumping up and racing to find my shoes in the complete mess we just made. Which was a hard task considering it usually was extremely hard any other time, never mind after a clothes fight. Once I spent what felt like half an hour trying to find shoes and my favourite black top, which was nearly identical to all the other black tops I own.

I know, I know I'm weird like that but there not all the same, okay!?!

"Done, now lets go," I say after I found my black converse and put them on.

We both head out the door and I close it behind me.

We arrive at the small coffee shop at the left side of the campus. It was usually full to the brim with student and today was like any other. Opening the door I hear the signature dig to indicate someone had come in.

We didn't have to walk far to join the queue as it was so long.

"Do you want to find a table while I wait in line, you want your usual right?" I asked Rebecca.

"Ya ok," was her reply and she walk off to find us a table.

After about twenty minutes I finally got to the top of the line.

"Hi what can I get you?" The cashier asked.

"Can I have one regular coffee, blueberry muffin, a hot chocolate with marshmallows and two cookies please," I reply with a smile. The cashier gave me a smile and walk off to get my order.

"Fancy meeting you here," a voice said from behind me. I turn around to see the cookie killer.

"What do you want?..cookie killer," I say with a glare and fold my arms across my chest.

"Oh nothing... Cookie just getting my evening coffee like everyone else here," he says with a smile.

"Here you go miss, that will be fifteen dollars," the cashier says from the register.

"Thank you very much," I say and
get out my purse.

"I'll be paying for that," the Cookie Killer says from behind me and hands the cashier the money.

"What the hell!?! I was going to pay for that," I ask incredulously.

"Well now you aren't, now I no longer get to be called Cookie Killer as I have just bought you cookies. Maybe I can be called Cookie giver. Whatcha think?" He says with a cheeky grin.

"Emm no you will always be known as the Cookie Killer you can't change it, duh," I say like it's obviously.

"Excuse me Miss can you take your order somewhere else your holding up the queue," the cashier asks.

"Ya ok, I'm done with this conversation anyways," I say and pick up the tray with my order.

Walking away I flash Cookie Killer one last glare.

"You know you could say thank you," he says from behind me.

"I could but I'm not," I say not turning around and kept on walking.

"And the names Layton,"
I hear him faintly say.

I shake my head and spot Rebecca with her black, braided hair sitting at a table beside a window at the far end of the room.

I set the tray down on the table and sit down.

"Oh yummy, you got me a cookie," she says rubbing her hands together in excitement and grabs the bag.

"No I got you a muffin," I say and take the cookies from her hand.
"These are all mine," I mutter and she glares at me.

If you have any pictures that you picture any of the characters look like pm me.😊✨ hope you like it and if so maybe you could click that star. Don't be afraid to drop a comment either, I would love to know what your all thinking.🙃🍪

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