Ch.15: Baseball Bat vs. Husband

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I ran as fast as I could with Magnolia, Jake, James, Noah, and a doctor. When we got there Carter was lying ground in obvious pain. But he was still soothing the crying baby that he was still holding. "Carter I'm so sorry," I cried into him. His injuries weren't that bad, he had to have some stitches, and should be better in a few weeks. It went straight through his shoulder making things a little easier. The doctor prescribed some painkillers and went in with his business. Kris was perfectly fine Carter saved him. I probably wasn't helping by sobbing into Carter's chest.

"It's okay cupcake, calm down. I'm fine, Kris is fine, everything's okay." He stroked my hair out of my face with his good arm and wiped the tears off of my face.

"It's all my fault, and now th...the bu...bullet. A...and your sh...shoulder." I was trying to compose myself.

"It's not your fault at all sweetheart, I promise. It's over now just calm down, I know it was scary but calm down." We had Jake, Noah, and James take the kids in.

I just sobbed into Carter's chest, "it should've been me, not you."

"That's not true at all. You're recovering from having a kid. You're sensitive to pain," which was true. "You aren't in any shape to be getting shot. Plus God has a plan for everything and if he had wanted you to get shot then you would be shot right now. Everything is ok."

"Can we get new security, and bullet proof windows?" I was paranoid now. My kids would be safe if it's the last thing I do.

"Yes, whatever makes you feel better." He was trying to comfort me the best he could even though he only had one usable arm and he was lying on a hospital bed. My breathing was sharp, little, and sporadic. I buried my head into Carter's chest. I still felt so responsible. My mind was racing with thoughts, I was barely breathing. They came after my kids, MY KIDS! The extension of me, the things I love most in the world. Plus Kris was only 4 days old. I took another short, sharp intake of air. I could tell Carter was drifting off, it had been a long day. I let him sleep, I sat there holding his hand, trying to breath. I unconsciously gripped Carter's hand tighter. I knew Carter would want to keep the kids safer and I thought of just the way to do it. I called a friend of the Callahans. I told him I wanted to build a secret basement that no one can reach except those trusted. Then I told him about twenty other things I wanted to make the house safer. All he asked for was the credit card number. I told him to use the on tab Callahan, the secret basement would have a secret flip under a painting in the master bedroom, that would lead to a code, and then eventually an elevator taking us down. I didn't know whether to tell Carter or not so I put it off. I walked into the hospital wing and visited Carter. He was awake now and as usual he was twisting the ring around his finger.

"Hello my ring-twisting-beautiful husband."

"Hello cupcake."

"I'm not- you know what I'll drop it because you look like you're in pain," I said as I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. He just sat there. Then his phone beeped.

"Two hundred thousand dollars just got taken out of my bank account! I had to get shot in Mexico to get that money!" I slowly tried to get up, key word being tried. Carter was just tapping away on his phone trying to get the money back.

"Funny story about that...oh look the baby's up," I reached for my ear to hear the nonexistent crying.

"You spent that much money and didn't even ask or talk to me about it?!?"

"See I did talk to you about it...when you just got stitched up..." I started to make my way to the door. I knew now that I probably shouldn't have asked him that question when he was on strong meds from just getting stitches. "I'm, sorry," my voice was quiet and I was giving him my puppy eyes. "Forgive me?" I asked sweetly, where was Magnolia when I needed her.

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