Thorin's sacrifice

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A/N So this is the last chapter of the book I really hope you liked this book!

Chapter 11
Thorin's sacrifice

"Where's Bilbo? Where is our hobbit? Where is our hobbit!?" Gandalf said anxiously.

"Curse that Halfling, now he's lost!?" Gloin spoke very rudely.

"I thought he was with Dori!" Oin said.

"Don't blame me!" Dori said innocently.

"Where did you last see him?" Gandalf interrogated.

"I think I saw him slip away. When they first got to us,"Nori said.

"Then what happened,exactly? Tell me!" Gandalf continued ot interrogate.

"I'll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since he first he stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone," Thorin spoke. I was so discusted with what he said I couldnt even look at him, that was about the meanest thing Thorin could have said. I had a feeling that he was not true that some how our Hobbit would get back to us, even if he wanted to go.

"No. He isn't," a familiar and soft voice said, it was the voice of a Hobbit one Hobbit in particular, Bilbo Baggins. I was so over filled with joy, Thorin deserved what he got. Bilbo was probably listening to the whole thing and decided to prove him wrong and prove himself worthy.

"Bilbo Baggins," Gandalf laughed, "I have neer been so glad to see anyone in my life."

"Bilbo, we'd given you up" Kili said filled with so much joy he could hardly say those words.

"How on earth did you get past the Goblins?" Fili asked.

"How indeed," Dwalin said in an 'out of it' way.

Bilbo laughs and reaches in his pocket and plays with something, I thought this weird, I have never seen him do that. He seem kind of distracted with the object and not paying much attention to what we were saying.

"Well, what does it matter? He's back," Gandalf said.

"It matters. I want to know. Why did you come back?" Thorin asked.

"Look. I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, thats where I belong. That's home. That's why I came back. ' don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can," Thorin pondered his words, as did all of us. I gave him a smile, so did Gandalf. He spoke them as if he had written them and practiced them over and over.

"I say, Bilbo Baggins. Your words are true words of wisdom. I will make sure that you get back to your own home safe, I will protect you with my life even if we don't get our home back. You will be able to return to your own home safe and sound," I say to Bilbo.

"Thank you, My Lady," He bowed slightly while saying those words.

"Out of the frying pan." Thorin said.

"And into the fire. Run. Run!!" Gandalf instructed.

I run to the first tree and I jump up there, it lookes like I was the first one to think of that because everyone else ran to the cliff and battled the Wargs. Gandalf then saw me and said, "Up into the trees! All of you! Come one, climb! Bilbo, climb!"

Bilbo's sword didn't want to come out of the Warg he kept tugging and tugging. The Orcs were not to far behind when he finally got it out he looked up and we where no where to be found, he ran a couple of feet forward under my tree. I grabed him by the back of the shirt and lifted him up. I put my finger over my lips to show him to be quiet.

A big, white Warg and his rider, a big, pale Orc, got onto the large rock right in front of the trees. He started to scan the trees for someone, that someone was probably Thorin. This was not just any old Orc this was the Pale Orc astride a white Warg, or also know as Azog the Defiler. I looked at Thorin he was shocked he was told that Azog was destroyed long ago, even though he was told by the Goblin King that Azog was alive I could tell he didn't believe him Azog started to talk in Orcish to his followers, the only thing I knew what it meant when he said names, he said Thorin, Thrain, and Thror. Probably cause he was informing that he wanted to kill Thorin.

The wargs started to attack us, the shaked the trees and tried to grab our feet. The worst thing that could happen, happened. The trees started to fall. Our tree was first, I hopped to the next tree and that tree started to fall until we had a domino affect going. Finally we got to the last tree, thank the Valanar that the tree didn't fall because it had 13 Dwarves, 1 Hobbit, 1 Wizard, and 1 half Dwarf half Elf. The Wargs all crowded around our tree. Then Gandalf tossed me a flaming pinecone. I used that one to light Fili's on fire and we threw them at the Wargs. We set the ground of fire and made a "fire shield" to block the Wargs from getting to us. Azog was not too pleased with this. But then, then, our tree it started to uproot. Just before it completely fell off it stopped. The tree was now parallel to the ground below. Ori slipped and grapped on to the closest thing possible, Dori's feet. They held on for dear life. After a few minutes of holding on they slipped but Gandalf caught them with his staff.

Thorin's and Azog's eyes connected, Thorin got up and started to walk towards Azog. Many of the Dwarves shouted for him to stop but he just kept walking. He grabbed a branch and he had his sword in his hand. He picked up his pace and started to run right towards Azog. I think Thorin forgot that last time Azog didn't have a big Warg with him. Before he got a chance to strike, Azog got to him first. The Warg hit Thorin in the face. Thorin slowly got up. Before he got fully balanced Azog came back and hit him in the chest with his four bladed axe. Thorin was pretty much down and couldn't get up. The white Warg grabbed Thorin in his mouth. The Warg played with him in his mouth. Thorin let out a wale of pain. Thorin hit the Warg in the eye which caused the Warg to throw him to the other side of the rock.

Azog sent one of his followers to go cut of Thorin's head. Bilbo Got up and took his sword out and ran over to where Thorin was. He hit the Orc just in time, the Orc tried to kill him but Bilbo killed him first. Thorin lost consciousness. Bilbo now faced all of the Orcs and Warg but as I said before, I will guard Bilbo with my life, I took my sword and ran towards the Orc and I started to kill them. Then I heard them, the Eagles, they had come to save us. They started to pick up the Wargs and throw them off the cliffs. They started to pick us up one by one I was the last one to be picked up.

They flew us over the Misty Mountains, they dropped us off at this big rock once Gandalf landed he ran over to Thorin. He was unconscious, Gandalf used a spell to wake him up. By this time everyone was crowed around Thorin. Thorin said, "The hobbit, where is he."

"Bilbo is here, he's safe," Gandalf informed him.

"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us? I have never been so wrong in my life," Thorin said embracing Bilbo. His eyes trailed up to the horizon.

Bilbo turned around and said, "Is that what I think it is?"

Gandalf replies, "Yes, The Lonely Mountain."

Everyone was silent, until Thorin broke the silent, "Adrianna can we talk one on one..."


So this is the last chapter!!! So the next book preview will come out on January 11th. I'm going to be updating my Lord of the rings book and starting my star wars book!

I really hope you like this book!! Thank you for reading

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