First sight

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Chapter 1
First Sight

"Good morning," I say to myself, It's morning but I am not expecting what is about to happen. I get up get on a flattering dress.

Link to see the dress:

I suddenly heard a knock on the door, "just a minute!" I yell.

I open the door to see none other Thorin Okensheild, a dwarf I had not seen in a very long time. My curiosity about why he was here started pounding my brain, for he was the man I loved before I left. The desire in my heart overwhelmed my curiosity, but I just stood there, my heart racing.

"Adrianna, I am sorry if I interrupted something," he said in his deep voice.

"No, not at all," I replied, "What brings you to the Shire?"

"Well, I was wondering If you would like to come on a quest to take back The Lonely Mountain?"

"You're going back to Erebor? Sounds great I would like to come with, I have been stuck in the shore longing for adventure and to go back to my real home."

"Great, we are meeting at Bilbo Baggin's house in Bagend. Gandalf shall leave a mark on the green door, I hope to see you there."

"See you soon! Good Bye!" I said and I shut the door. After it was shut I slid down the side of the door not believing what just happened.

Bagend is not too far from here I will have to get out my old weapons so I can be ready for battle, cause I am sure It will come.


It is about time for me too set off to Bagend. I put on this on:,571780.html/full

I also get my quiver, bow, arrows, sword, and 3 daggers 1 in my belt, 1 in my boot and 1 in my shirt.

As I step out my door I take one last look at home, I realize I should have done this years ago. I turn around to see walking on the path none other than Abigal Masering my best friend around here.

"Abigal!" I call.

"Adrianna!" she replied.

"I am going to be gone for a very long time, maybe 6 months, a year, a year and a half, so I need you too look over my house."

"Of corse Adrianna, I would do anything for you! Where are you going?"

"Back to Erebor and The Lonely Mountain."

"Are you mad? Your going to fight Smaug! I will miss you terribly!" she ran over to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back.

"Good bye, and good luck Adrianna"

"Good luck to you too." with that I pulled out of the hug and smiled at her ad started to go to Bagend.

So first official chapter I am proud of myself!!!!!! I might not be able to update with two story's and school and sports I'll see how much I can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment, Vote, Fan!!!!

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