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Chapter 10

Once Thorin and Dwalin were done searching the cave I set up a little bed and went to help Gloin start a fire. "Ok, let's get a fire started!" Gloin said.

"No, no fires in this place! Find somewhere to sleep, get some rest and we start at first thing," Thorin ordered.

"Thorin! We were to wait in the mountains for Ganalf." Balin argued.

"I agree on this one Thorin," I spoke up, "Gandlaf gave us strict orders."

"She's right Thorin," Balin tried to pursuade.

"I don't care what she thinks, I am the leader of this company and you DO what I say!" Thorin counter argued.

"So you think I have no say! You don't care about what I say? I'm sorry Thorin I can't marry a man who doesn't care about what I say!" I spoke. After I said that I took my stuff and moved it to the opposite side of the room from where I was going to sleep near Thorin. I looked back at Thorin he looked dumb struck, he could believe I broke off the Engagement. I decided the best thing for me was sleep.

I was not asleep for long until I heard the Hobbit get up and pack his things and start to walk out the door. "Wh-where do you thing you're going?" Boffur (a/n sorry about spelling it wrong in other chapters) asked.

"Back to Rivendell," Bilbo replied.

"No, no, no, you can't turn back now, you're part of the company, you're one of us!" Boffur explained.

"I'm not though am I? Thorin said I should never have come and he was right. I'm not a took, I'm a Baggins, I don't know what I was thinking. I should have never run out my door," He said. I saw Thorin open his eyes and start listening.

"You're homesick, I understand," Boffur said trying to comfort him.

"No you don't, you don't understand!" Bilbo said with a tone, "none of you do, except Lady Adrianna, your dwarves. You're used to this life, living on the road, not settling anywhere, not belonging anywhere!"Bilbo replied. At the word 'belonging' Boffur's face "dropped," he was hurt by those words. Bilbo noticed this right away and quickly said,"now I am sorry--(clears throat)." He couldn't think of what to say next but Boffur just stood still.

Boffur replied,"no you're right, we don't belong anywhere," he looked around at all of us, "I wish you all the luck in the world, I really do...whats that?" He said pointing at Bilbo's now glowing blue sword. Bilbo looked up with an expression of terroir. The ground started to open.

"WAKE UP!" Thorin shouted, "WAKE UP!" just as everyone was up we fell, down a big slide. Deeper and deeper we slid until we stopped on what looked to be a Goblin Kindom. Goblins sprinted towards us and climbed on top of us grabbing us shoving us. We were trapped. The goblins took all of us together pushing us into one another. More and more of them came, raiding us.

We were pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed until finally we came to a halt, on a big platform in front of the biggest goblin I had ever seen. This had to be the Goblin King. It looked as the whole goblin inhabitance were there. The king was coughing like crazy it must get pretty stuffy in here.

The goblins had took our weapons and laid them in front of the king. "Who would be so bold as to enter my kingdom armed?" The king asked, "Spies? Thieves? Assassins?"

"Dwarves, and a She-Elf, your Malevolence," The Goblin that had a hold of me said.

"Dwarves?" The king asked.

"We found them on the front porch," The Goblin answered.

"Well don't just stand there, search them! Every crack, every craves!" The king ordered.

Once they were done searching the king asked," What were you doing in these parts? Speak!" No one answered," very well if they won't talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring up the Mangler! Bring up the Bone cruncher!" The crowed roared with pleasure.

"WAIT!" Thorin yelled.

"Well, well, well look who it is! Thorin, son of Thrian, son of Thror, king under the mountain," the king said while bowing sarcastically, "Oh, but I'm forgetting---you don't have a mountain, and you're not a king, which makes you nobody really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours, the Pale Orc astride a white Warg."

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago," Thorin said in disbelief.

"So you think his defiling days are over do you?" The king walked over to his messenger and said, "Send word to the Pale Orc, I have found his prize."

The Goblin king started to sing a song horridly about how we are going to be hung and never found. This did not please me, then a goblin picked up a sword and opened it which stopped the Goblin right in his tracks. he threw the sword on the ground all the goblins went as far as possible away from the sword, even the goblin king. The king yelled, "I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Clever!" The crowed got stirred. The goblins started to hit us with wips and chains. The goblin King continued, "The biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks! Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off this head!"

Just before they could manage to cut off Thorin's head a bright white light appeared, causing all the goblins to fly off of us. It was a man with a staff, long robes, a pointy hat, and he cluched a sword, it was Gandalf. Everything went dark he walked up to us and said calmly, "Take up arms. Fight," then he said demandingly, "FIGHT!"

I got up grabbed my sword and stabbed every single Goblin I could the king said, "He wields the Foehammer. The Beater! Bright as daylight"

The goblin king wen after Thorin but with one hard hit Thorin knocked The king right off the edge of the platform. I had sleighed 32 Goblins already but they just kept coming.

"Follow me," Gandalf ordered, "Quick!"

I ran after Gandalf killing every Goblin that stood in the way of my path.

"Faster," Dwalin yells. The whole Goblin Kingdom was chasing us. Dwalin used a big plank to knock off any goblins in front of us, he could knock off as many as seven Goblins at a time.

It was kind of fun, running and killing Goblins at the same time. It's just like I would pretend to do when I was little.

"Quickly!" Gandalf yells. We reached a dead end so Thorin cut the ropes so that we swung to the other side where the path started again. "Jump!" Gandalf instructed.

I kept on killing and running my count was now one hundred and seven and they still kept coming it never ended. Gandalf shoved his staff into a rock causing it to break off and roll it squished any Goblins in our way.

We got onto a bridge when the Goblin King came out of no where and says, "You thought you could escape me. What are you going to do now, Wizard?"

Gandalf used his staff and poked him in the eye, used his sword to cut his belly. The goblin king then said, "That will do it," and Gandalf cut his neck. Which caused him to fall, then caused the bridge we were on to break away and start to fall into the abyss.

Using my Elf skills I jumped off the bridge and landed on a rock. I jumped my way down doing a few flips along the way. I landed on the ground without a scratch.

Gandalf was the first to get up, a fave him a little smile then Boffur said, "Well that could have been worse!" once he finished the corpse of the King fell right on top of them. I couldn't help my self but giggle.

"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin said.

Kill shouted, "Gandalf!" I looked where Killi was looking and there was about five thousand Goblins heading our way. The dwarves all jumped up with out a second to lose.

Dwalin said, "What are we going to do? We can't fight them!"

Gandalf replies,"there is only one thing that will save us: daylight! Come on!"

I ran after Gandalf as fast as my legs could take me we ran for the exit as fast as possible. We finally got out of that horrid place alive, except we had one problem.


Hope this is a long chapter, it's the second to last of this book! Yup, we are almost done. I will start the next book as soon as DoS comes on DVD! I already have so many Ideas for the book. So the engagement is broken off... any way if you have any ideas for the next book's title comment! as always read, vote, comment, follow!

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