The Magic in Books: Chapter eleven

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Another month or two passed and finally made the decision to leave with the eggs and find them a new home where they could be safe until they hatched. While everything was sorted out and arguing between him and Nasuada went on I made "blah, blah, blah" faces in the background until they kicked me out.

After they seemed to have figured things out and Nasuada was convinced, Eragon came out. "So what will you do now?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow, "I'm coming with you of course."

He frowned, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

I crossed my arms, "I am supposed to eventually become a rider, and I want to help take care of the eggs. Besides, someone has to be there to keep you from screwing up."

"Hey," he put his hands on his hips. He had slowly been picking up on my modern terms and had figured out most of my foul language. "Since when have I screwed up lately."

I grinned, "you've come a long way for sure." We started to walk slowly down the hall, passing servants, courtiers, and nobles on their way to bother Nasuada. "You're not the fifteen year old kid you once were, hotheaded, impulsive, full of emotion...I think as I read the books I sort of grew up beside you, even though then you were only a fictional character. I used to have a bad temper and I didn't use my brain."

Eragon flicked my ear, "now you're just sarcastic and rude."

"Shut up," I smiled as I said it.

"But seriously, are you sure you want to come with me? It could be very dangerous, and you still have one of Galbatorix's men hunting you." His big eyes were piercing, and I had to look away.

"You think I can't handle myself?" With just a twist of my wrist I lit him on fire.

Eragon sighed, having gotten used to my antics.

I grinned, the fire did no more than warm his skin. Flicking my wrist again, the flames disappeared.

"Terrifying. I'm sure you'll be okay, just warning you."


I rubbed my forehead. The elves who were coming with us had managed to get Tiger to stay still, but his legs were starfished, his eyes rolling as the deck of the boat rocked...barely. Jumping to the dock, I threw my bags into the boat, watching Arya and Eragon out of the corner of my eye. They seemed to be having a moment, which for some reason really bothered me. I could see the affection in his eyes as he gazed at her, but there was also pain. There was a good chance he would never see her again, what with her duties as the new queen of the elves.

Her dragon glanced at me, and waddled over. He had taken a liking to me, and even let me ride him once or twice. Rubbing his nose I looked at Eragon and Arya again, "she loves him, doesn't she?"

Chest thrumming, he said, jealousy is written clearly in your eyes.

I started. "I am not jealous!"

He chuckled, and licked my face with his forked tongue. Good hunting, Kitten.

Smiling at his nickname for me, I bid him goodbye, and jumped onto the boat.

Eragon followed me, but watched Arya until we could see no more than blurry shapes.

I really wanted to say something snarky, but the look on his face kept me form it. Sighing, I leaned over the edge of the boat, admiring the clear water. The sun shone brightly, a warm breeze blowing softly.

Straightening, I pulled off my boots and shirt so that I was in only soft black breeches and my tanktop. I inhaled deeply, eyes closed and dived over the edge. Opening my eyes I saw silver fish and the rocky bottom but other than that the water was completely clear. 

Swimming under the boat I held onto one of the bottom beams, hitching a ride as I used my power to collect bubbles of air so I wouldn't have to surface and breath.

About a minute later a huge splash rocked the water currents as Saphira dived in. Wings tucked in, she used her tail to propel herself. Seeing me, she grinned, showing her dagger-like teeth.

Giggling bubbles, I swam over to her, and climbed onto her back as she rose to the surface. Bursting out of the water she roared, wings beating hard, and took off into the sky. Letting out a whoop, I let go of her neck spike, holding on with only my legs, and stretching my arms up to the sky.

Race you to the boat, Saphira challanged.

"You're on," I grinned, and launched myself off of her back as she turned to dive back to the earth. Arms tucked in, I shot straight for the water. A fall like that would've killed even an elf, but I brought the water up to cradle me. Saphria and I hit the water at the same time, though her splash was momumental compared to mine.

Breaking the surface once again, I laughed, feeling better than I had in months. Eragon leaned over the side of the boat, watching us. Slowly, a smile touched his lips, transforming his face. Then I splashed him, which when you're even half-elf, is like hitting someone with a firehose.

He shook his head like a dog, water flying everywhere, "I'll get you back for that," he chuckled.

Something about being able to bring a smile to his face made me feel good.

The Magic in Books: Chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now