Author's Note

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Growing up, I got inducted into Indian movies by a cousin. It was so bad, we actually started learning the language (end of embarrassing story). I absolutely love the Indian culture, it is so similar to mine. I know how much family is valued. I know marriage is so important, it is the duty of the parents in most cases, to find a spouse for the bride. Indians in most cases, have arranged marriages. Some have failed, most actually work hence the low divorce rate.

To the story. The main Character, Kyra should not be considered weak, please. I know a lot of people like spunky Characters but this is a fair warning;Kyra is not spunky. The world isn't full of rude, unkind people (sorry, if yours is). This story is a tribute to people whose heart remain gentle and kind even in a dark world. You are very rare but I know you exist.

This story is copyrighted. It must not be transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any way, including but not limited to the printing and photocopying of the whole or part of the work without the prior written consent of the author. Violation of this is an infringement of the copyright law.

This is a work of fiction. Resemblance to actual places or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved.

Excerpt :

"You, Kyra, are many things" He said, his finger tracing the outline of her face. She held her eye lids shut, no doubt afraid to look at him. "A bait. A punishment. A torment" He snarled, making certain to leave his venom dripping from every word as he laid emphasis on them. He leaned forward and pressed his lips menacingly against her ears. "But. You. Will. Never. Be. My. Wife"

Retracting his finger and leaning back, he watched her, waiting patiently for her reaction. But she stood there, her eyelids still shut, her hands trembling by her side and her lips pressed together. She said nothing and it infuriated him. He hated the woman that stood before him, the weakling that was his curse. He watched with great disgust as a drop of tear disentangled itself from her thick, black, long lashes and made its way down her flushed cheek while her eyes stood shut.

With that, he turned around and walked away, determined to be the one to break Kyra.

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