The Commodore

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 The Red Lion groaned in protest as it's anchors were dropped to the ocean floor. The wind had been filling it's sails, so the sudden stop without rolling the sails caused the ship to bob strongly on the waves beneath it. But both ships had come to a stand still where they were, including the crew of both who where waiting in anticipation as to what was gonna happen next.

 Jack still held Signe close to him, but with the gun at his side instead. They stood close to the railing on the balcony. They watched as a boat was lowered from the other ship and a handful were now sailing over to the Red Lion.

 "Drop a line for them." Jack quietly ordered.

 Soon after, a total of six men, all dressed in their official uniforms, all stood on the deck of the Red Lion, lead by their Commodore. Jack and Signe recognized him pretty quickly as everyone knew how he felt about pirates, being a strong advocate of purging them from the world. He sauntered onto the Red Lion like he had just won a battle and now owned the ship, seemingly not paying any mind to the dozen plus pirates standing on the deck, weapons drawn, itching to use them.

 He sauntered to the bottom of the stairs and looked up at Jack, "Good morning, Captain Jack."

 "Commodore Robin." Jack seethed back through a fake smile.

 "I trust you are still well, Signe?" Robin addressed her. She was still closely pressed to Jack, but as the ship continued to bob roughly beneath her feet, she found that she was more leaning on him that him holding her there.

 "Her health depends on you, Commodore." Jack quickly answered for her, remaining in control of the situation.

 "So how is this going to work Jac-"

 "Captain Jack." Jack quickly corrected the cocky Commodore.

 Robin cleared his throat, "Yes. Captain...Jack. How is this trade going to work?"

 "Very simply." Jack smirked back. He motioned for the Terroriser who came up on the balcony and took Signe from him and held her close. Jack moved down the stairs to be on the same level as Robin, "You see, I'm holding lovely Signe hostage, and when one holds someone hostage there is usually a ransom involved."

 "So are you saying you want me to pay your ransom before you let Signe free?" the man laughed in disbelief, shaking his head. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm on your ship, she's already mine."

 "Oh is that so?" Jack laughed back before holding up his hand. When he did, everyone on the top deck raised their weapons and pointed it at the strangers on their ship. The Commodore made no movement, but the men in his tow were taken aback by all the guns, pistols, and swords now pointed in their faces. "Now lets try this again, with a better attitude this time." Jack smiled again.

 The Commodore never broke eye contact from the pirate in front of him, but remained silent for a moment, thinking over all his options. "How much is the ransom." he seethed in a barely audible voice.

 Jack smirked victoriously, "That depends. How much gold do you have on your ship?"

 Robin scoffed, "You're just a disgusting pirate!"

 "Yeah. And you're a goody-goody who's good at kissing ass. So you're in no place to judge." Jack smiled. He had complete control over the entire situation, and he knew it. "I'll tell you what, my original demand was going to be 800 gold, but unless you are a tax ship or recently found some treasure, I doubt you have that on board, so you can just give me whatever ya got, how about that?" Robin stood still, making no move to say anything so Jack leaned forward close to his face, "Or I could just keep her. She seems like lovely company."

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