Subaru X Famous! Singer! Reader pt 2/2

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So there you sat in class, trying to keep yourself busy with a piece of paper on your desk that you became suddenly very interested in. Why you ask? Simple, the very man that broke your arm is sitting close to you already annoyed beyond compare, and you haven't even some any thing to him! What's worse is your manager said you can't sing with a broken arm, because of image and tedious stuff like that. Not to mention Subaru is like ticking time bomb.

You stared at him while thinking about the mess you've gotten yourself in. 'What are you thinking (y/n)?! It's his fault not yours. Why do you feel this way about him? Argh, victory will be ours!!!'

He wouldn't talk you and that totally was not an option! Your were so bored! You sighed and put your head on the desk.

"Oi."barked a familiar voice. You perked up and you directed your attention to the albino ahead of you.

"Get your head off the desk, idiot. If you fall asleep we'll both get yelled at." He hissed out and rolled his eyes at your enthusiasm with him.

Time skip due to author-Chan's dog being named after a fruit

It was in fact break and you sat at you desk with Subaru as he was getting more aggressively agitated by the second. All of the sudden, he finally erupted and stomped out of the classroom with a simple "tch."

Oh no, you were not about to let him walk o it like that?? What was he thinking leaving a helpless celebrity alone? So naturally, you got up and went after him. You followed him all the way down the hallway with a few rights and lefts here all the way to the old library no one ever came to.

You gasped at the scene you uncovered. Red. Everywhere. You never took Subaru as a people person, but he looked to be holding a girl with a small frame and kissing her neck? Yikes... you thought about leaving until you realized she was bleeding!!! The longer Subaru held her, the more he tightened his grip on her and the less she struggled.

You turned on your heels and started running ASAP. But unfortunately, this monster was too fast and he caught you by your arm and threw you back into the library.

Click , you heard the door and realized at that moment you weren't coming out of this unscathed. You gulped and got up frantically as you tried to figure out something to calm him down.

"U-um, hey Subaru w-w-whhat are you doing here?" You stammered as he advanced towards you and you backed away.


"Shut up, or I'll kill you." He barked


"Hey, answer me this. What are y-you?" You whispered.


You whimpered as your back hit the bookshelf behind you. "Heh, isn't it obvious what I am? I'm a monster, I'll tear you apart. I'm a vampire, idiot."

"I...I don't understand why are you doing this?" You whispered hoping he would hear you, suddenly all that confidence was to no avail as it had been lost along with your ability to speak clearly.

"Because your damn annoying idiot. Do you want to die?" Subaru said as he smirked, amused.

You screamed and Subaru pinned you to the bookcase and encased your lips in his. You hit your head against the bookcase to try to get away from him.

He roared with laughter. "Idiot, you've caused me enough inconvenience haven't you? I should kill you." He looked into your eyes searching for emotion.

You looked into his red eyes, shedding tears. You knew should've bought that pepper spray...

"Don't make a sound." He stated his eyes boring into yours and for some strange reason you were COMPULSED to comply.

He put his face to your neck and penetrated your neck with his fangs. All you could to is stand there and cry. The bookshelf was pressing into your back, so uncomfortable.

You were fading in and out of consciousness until you dropped.

"Ah-... tch, whatever." Subaru grumbled, irritated as he scooped your limp body into his arms, licked up the bite marks and teleported to the nurse's office claiming that he found you this way.

When you woke up he was nowhere to be seen and you had requested that he not assist you any longer, but you had no idea what was to come. This was just the beginning of a long road of torture as you had no idea that you would step into the very monster's room you so desperately wanted to leave the presence of.

Oof. Okay I'm back and kickin... maybe lol anyway I hope you enjoyed this and if you have any requests I would love to hear them! Toodles babes!


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