Laito Sakamaki II

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You looked at the teacher in horror as you shook your head in disbelief. "Him?! I gotta be paired up with him?!" You exclaimed and gestured towards the infamous playboy of the school. That's right, Laito Sakamaki. Laito took this opportunity to walk up to you and chuckle in your ear and you flinched away, "get away from me or I swear I will-" you were cut off as you shook your fist and realized the teacher was there and sighed as you Sat down in your new assigned seat next to Laito. "Just freaking perfect..." You thought as you slumped in the chair and ignored Laito trying to get your attention. Whats worse is that you have to go to his house later for a project.

You sighed deeply as you left the classroom. The rest of school you couldn't shake off the feeling of someone following you.

"Forget it in not going to that idiots house just to get raped I'll do the project myself at my house!" You said as you grabbed your bag and started to walk home but when you got to the pick up area, Laito spotted you and waved at you to come over there. You groaned and ignored him once again, but he ran over to you and grabbed your hand. "Come on (y/n) ! Let's go~"

He dragged you into the limo and you reluctantly sat down. '0h well... It's not like anyone will notice I'm gone...." You thought as you looked out of the window.

When you pulled up to the mansion your eyes widened. "You live here?!?!" You exclaimed as you heard the pigeon-like dude Reiji grunt in discontent. You shrugged as you got out of the limo and stood there until Laito grabbed you again and dragged you into the mansion and to his room.

You sheepishly sat on his bed. "Uhh, so the project!" You tried to break the awkwardness that apparently only you felt. Laito he turned around and shook his head. "I did it during my free period." He said and smirked.

You blushed. "W-what? Why did you do that?" You stood up off of the bed.

The fedora perverted vampire grinned as he stalked over to you and stood in front of you to keep you from escaping."oh I just wanted to get to know my lab partner very well ."

You raised an eyebrow and crossed you arms. "What's that supposed to mean? You know sexual harassment is illegal? And I can call the police on your sorry butt."

He giggled. "Who ever said I wanted to do that hm?~" he smirked and grabbed your wrist.

"Whaaaattt is going on here? Huh? Answer me Lai-" you were cut off when he pushed you to the ground. You cut your arm on the side of his bed. "Ow!" You yelled and tears pricked your eyes. "That hurt...." You mumbled and tried to get up.

Laito got on top of you. "Your staying here with me? Nfu~"

It was at this moment that his sweet voice serenaded your ears and you blushed. "Uhhh I-I have to go back to my house!"

"Hm why? There's no one there~ You know that. So why not stay here where we can enjoy ourselves~" he whispered in your ear and licked it.

"I-I don't want to!" You denied as you tried to hit him but he pinned your wrists.
"Liar~" he whispered and his cool breath hit your flustered face.

You sighed. "Do I have a choice?" You blurted out unintentionally and cursed after you realized you said it.

Laito he smirked. "Such vulgar language b****-chan~" he said as he licked your ear.

He licked your neck and gasped. "What are you doing? Eh and that's not a nickname that I want you to call me thank you!"

Laito: "Mh~ but it's true!" He closed his eyes and kissed your neck and but I to it.

You gasped. "W-ha-.... Your a monster!" You started to whimper in pain and struggle until your vision started getting blurry and you began to be too weak to move.

Laito chuckled and retracted his fangs and licked the wound and sighed in content. "My my, your blood is very delicious." He smirked because you were too exhausted to speak. He giggled, "well since you know my dirty little secret you'll have to stay here in this house ~"

You didn't care at this moment as you closed your eyes and the darkness enveloped you and you hoped you'd wake up and it was all a dream...... But it was all real, you'd never get your normal life back again. 'I wonder if this is real.... I hope if it is real that this change is for the best...,....' Was your last thought before you blacked out.


Yoooooooo so there you go! This oneshot was requested by @Mewmew1224 so I hope you guys like it!! Later for now <3


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