Chapter 20

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There's a bit of Niall in this lot :)

Niall’s P.O.V

I don’t know how to feel right now, I’m so happy that Steph came, I’m shocked that no-one told me about it, I honestly thought things were over before they had started, and yet here she is, walking with me holding my hand and I don’t know how to feel. To me, over the last few weeks it felt like something was wrong. She stopped messaging me and she wouldn’t answer my phone calls and I felt like it was my fault, the boys kept telling me not to worry and there was probably a good reason behind it, but I was still unsure and I wanted to find out

I’ve never felt this way about anybody before and I really don’t want to lose her, so if I can get to the bottom of this to avoid feeling that way again, I was going to do it

We walked together to a near-by park, it was still early hours of the morning but the park was lit up nicely by the street lights. I led her towards a park bench that I could see silhouetted in the moonlight. I sat down and she sat beside me, looked me dead in the eyes and smiled

“I really have missed you Niall, even if I didn’t show it and I’m sorry for that” she said apologetically

“Do you mind telling me why?” I asked her carefully “I mean, not to be nosy or anything, but did I do something to upset you or is there something wrong? I know that it all happened a little bit too fast but I like you Steph, and I thought you liked me too, especially when you said yes to being my girlfriend” I sort of spilled out, oh great emotional overload.

She looked at me puzzled, and then her eyes softened and she placed her hand on my cheek, it was cold.

“I really am sorry about that, it’s hard for me to explain why but believe me, I like you Niall, I hope nothing will change that, I’m glad that I’m with you, I just need time to wrap my head around things. If you can bear with me and take things slow, I promise everything will be all right” she said with a small smile at the end

“Are you sure that everything is ok?” I asked, wanting to know more

“Everything is fine, Niall, trust me” she said with a smile

I placed my hand on hers that was resting on my cheek and slowly locked our fingers together bringing our hands down to rest on my lap. I leaned over slightly and placed a gentle kiss to her cheek.

“I’m really happy that you came Steph, I’ve missed you like crazy” I smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder

I put my arm around her hoping to keep her warm. I gazed blissfully up in to the sky, the moon was still high and the stars twinkled brightly, the air was chilly but I suppose that’s what to expect when you’re sitting in a park early hours of the morning

Our surroundings were beautiful, but still, it was nothing compared to Steph. I smiled as I looked down at her. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted slightly, she must be tired. I gently tried to wake her up so that I could take her back to her room

We stood up slowly and I placed my arm around her waist. Silently the two of us made our way back to the hotel and up to the room. She unlocked the room and we stepped inside

The place was cute, perfect for the two girls. I could see there were two bedrooms, one door was open, one door was closed, I’m guessing that’s the room Chase is in. I spotted Harry’s trainers by the door so that must mean he’s still here. Of course he’s still here. You can see it in their eyes when they look at each other how much they like each other. And to be honest I think that relationship is solid, I’ve never seen Harry so happy

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