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Lance is a hero called "Blue Ice" he saves the day by using ice powers he was born with. Some say it's a curse,and some say he uses machines,but really Lance doesn't know why he had these abilities that no one else has,and the worst part is,is that you have to keep it a secret from everyone,even your own family.

Lance's family doesn't know about his secret life they never had the suspicion of it,which is good,he thinks,but he feels that some day he needs to tell them.

School day

Lance thought today would be normal,you know the usual,hanging out with friends,sleeping in class,but it changes the second when he laid his eyes on a beautiful creature. He had a mullet,which suits him well. His eyes,Oh! Those eyes Lance felt like he was lost in space looking at those eyes. His everything! It's like looking at a dream.

Keith noticed a guy staring at him with a smile,he has no idea why.

Lance finally realized that his crush is staring back at him,he ties to walk calmly,but he tripped,he tripped! He fell face first on the concrete floor,he groaned in pain covering his nose.

Keith ran towards the strange guy,"Hey you okay?" Keith asked,"Y-yeah,I'm fine it's just a bruise." Lance is too embarrassed to looks at him,"Your bleeding." Keith stated the obvious.

Lance felt a liquid on his hands,"Here,let me help you." Keith reached into his pocket and pulled out a tissue and wiped the blood off of the stranger's face,while he was doing that Lance is currently having a panic attack 'omg he's touching my face!!!' Lance blushed a bright red under the soft and caring touch of this boy he met and is already falling in love.

Lance needed to know his name,"Um,what's your name?" The boy's eyes locked with his,"My name's Keith." Keith said while throwing the tissue on the bare ground,"So what are school are you going to?" Lance really wanted him to say Garrison High,"I'm going to Garrison High. Are you?" Lance almost exploded with excitement of having,Keith,to his school,"Yeah! You w-wanna walk with me there?" Lance asked sheepishly,"Okay." Keith bluntly accepted.

Lance's day can't get any better,"Do you live with anyone else?" Lance was wondering if he lives with his parents,"No." Keith buttered with a bitter tone,"Don't you have parents to live with." When Lance finished his sentence,Keith stopped in a sudden way,it made Lance stop. Lance felt a wave of fare about making Keith mad or something that not good,"I...never grew up with my parents." Keith sighed.

Lance never knew,"Keith,it's okay,I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." Lance apologized,"It's okay,it's not like anyone else would want to be with me." Keith chuckled at himself in a resentful way,"WHAT! I WOUld like to be with you!" Lance yelled,"In fact I'm enjoying every second of it,right now!" Keith gazed at Lance in shock,"Your so caring,you helped me when I fell! Who wouldn't want to be around you!" Lance kept going,"You're so kind to me! You're so beautiful in every way! You're perfect!" Lance panted from the passionate yelling,"Y-you really mean that?" Keith's eyes start to fill with tears.

Lance sees Keith's tears sliding on his cheek,"Why are you crying?" Lance wiped away the tears,"It's just that no one ever said those things about me." Keith never thought in his entire life that he would get such sweet compliments,"Thank you." Keith hugged Lance tightly,Lance is screaming internally.

They continue to walk,"Sp have you heard of the,Blue Ice?" Lance knows that he's some what famous across the country,"Yeah.Why?" Keith answered,"I don't know. Could you tell me what your opinion is on him?" Lance anted to know if Keith liked the him in his hero life style,"Um,I guess he has a good costume." That's all what Keith said about Lance,"Oh..." Lance was expecting a bunch of compliments showering all over him.

Later at school Lance and Keith met with Lance's other friends,"Hey,Hunk Ho-" lance's sentence was interrupted by a sudden rumble. The crowd of students started to scream,some ran,and some thought it was a false alarm,but it was no false alarm it was Sendak,his arch nemesis.

Sendak works for the evil scientist,Zarkon,and he uses fancy contraptions to attack him with,it's a burden,"Has any of you seen the great Ice Blue?" Lance looks all around to find Keith missing 'where is Keith?' Lance had no time to think when a sudden push came into him,causing him to fall down,"Bow before,Sendak!" A boy yelled at Lance who strangely looks familiar,and his eyes looked a bit red and puffed up.

The boy,who seemed to be an apprentice of some sort,walked up to Sendak,"Where is that blue boy." The apprentice muttered to himself.

The red guy didn't have anymore patience,he picked up an innocent teen girl by the hand,and he put his deadly blade up to her throat,"Come on,Blue Boy! You don't want this young lady to die,do you!" He held up high to her neck.

Lance had to stop them,he ran away trying to find a place to change,and he was lucky that he didn't get caught either.

Lance came running back,"Hey! You looking for me?" Lance taunted,"Red Blade!" Sandek ordered him to attack,he shot towards Lance 'Dang he's fast!' Lance thought,he barley dodged the scarce blades,"So you're the big talk of the city?" Lance swears that he heard his voice somewhere,"Well,this is the end!" Again striking at Lance.

Lance swiftly dodges it,but he need up tripping on a stupid rock,which made him grab the villain,and fall down the hill where the Garrison lake is,they both groan in pain,"Why did you trip!" Red Blade yelled,"Well it's not my fault you're so fast!" Lance retorted.

Lance looked into his violet eyes 'wait...he can't be him.' Lance needs to make sure it's him,so he quickly raised his hand and sprayed his cold ice at Red Blade's legs and arms,so he couldn't move,"Hey!" He exclaimed,"Hold still!" Lance struggled to take the mask off,but when he did,it felt like time froze.

It is him,the boy he loves,the boy of his dreams,the boy he met today,Keith,Lance couldn't believe it,"K-Keith." Keith eyes widen,"L-Lance?" Keith quickly faced down the ground too ashamed to look at him,"I-I can explain." Keith wanted to explain,but it looks just like how it is,"You don't need to explain." Lance couldn't even look at Keith,"Please." Keith couldn't let his only friend abandon him,"Please,I can change." Keith never wanted to become bad,he became like this because he had no job due to his problem,and the job offer they did pats him a lot,but for Lance...he needs to quit the job.

Lance turned around to face him,Lance didn't want to lose he love of his life,but he's on the other side of another universe,"Will you help me defeat,Sendak?" Lance chose the path to accept Keith not only because he loves him,it's also because he deserves a second chance.

They came back,stunning the crowd of teens,"Look who's back!" Lance came back with a new pride because he's holding the hand of his lover,"YOU TRAITOR!" Sendak shouted in anger.

Suddenly they were surrounded by drones,"You ready,Love?" Lance asked,"You know it." Keith answered.

Keith threw his fancy sword,which destroyed all the drones in one throw! And came back with right into his hand,like a boomerang,except way cooler! Lance loved how bad ass he looked right now.

Sendak yelled in anger,"I'll get you next time!" He flew away with his helicopter drone thing,"Wow." Is all what Lance can say.

Keith and Lance got a closer to each other and kissed,the whole crowd went wild. It's just like in the movies,fireworks were going off in Lance's head. This is the type of kiss he loves. This is the type of guy he loves.

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