Free Day

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Keith has never heard those three words "I love you" those three lovely yet hurtful words.

It's hurtful because you never know when your love is not enough. It's lovely because of how you'll finally feel warm and happy with someone.

Keith has wanted to feel like that. He doesn't want to be in isolation,he wants to be loved,yet he wants to stay away,for he feels that he is cursed.

Keith always admired,Lance,for his charm on others,how he easily talk to girls like its a sport,or how he seems so gleeful in dark times. Keith began to fall in love. And he fell hard.

Keith knew Lance would never love him even if he tried,he's hopeless,he's selfish,he's helpless. He feels like he's dying of heart break.

Keith started to avoid everyone,especially Lance, he couldn't look at him,he couldn't even think about him without crying over him. Everyone is worried about him,Lance is worried the most.

Lance loves Keith. His small smile when he makes a joke,his eyes that seemed to shimmer every time he looks at them,and he does like the mullet,it suits him well.

Lance decided to speak to Keith. Lance walked up to his door and knocked with hesitation,but there was no answer just silence.

Lance had enough of this he knocked harder and continued to knock. Keith became annoyed with this nonsense,so he furiously opened the door,and when he did he never expected it to be,Lance.

Lance smiled,but Keith frowned beginning to have misty eyes,he couldn't look at Lance,"Keith what's wrong?" Lance is concerned,this surprised Keith,"Y-yeah. I'm f-fine." Keith mumbled,"You don't sound like it." Lance knows that something is wrong.

Keith didn't want Lance to see him like this,he didn't want to see him at all,"Please,Lance,I'm fine." Keith couldn't look at Lance,"I don't think so." Lance couldn't se Keith like this anymore he wanted that old Keith back,he wanted to see the Keith he loved.

They both stood there,"Keith,please if something bothering you,you can talk to me." Lance put his hand on Keith's shoulder,Keith could lent hold it in any more,"IT'S YOU! You are the problem. I like you,okay,and now that you know you can hate me,a-and you can just leave me!" Keith is crying a river at this point.

Lance is shocked about Keith's feelings,he couldn't believe that he likes him too! Lance had to confess,"Keith,I love you too." Lance tried to remove Keith's hands away from his face,"Wh-what? Are you joking?" Lance wiped away the stream of tears from Keith's face,"No. I'm not." Lance smirked,"You look ugly when you cry. Let's fix that." Lance wiped Keith's eyes with his sleeve.

Keith smiled wide. He thinks this feeling is love.

Lance's face crept closer and closer until their lips made contact,and they both loved it. Keith loves how Lance's hands are wrapped around him. Lance loves how Keith's lips are so soft.

They separated a little short on breath,"I think I should eat something. I haven't ate for days." Keith can really feel the hunger,"Yeah you should." Lance followed while staring at Keith's plump ass.

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