Chapter two

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Class started and Mrs.Horton walked in.

"Hello class,today we are going to be learning-"Mrs.horton was cut off by are principal,Mr.way(just amagine Gerard way as a principal!!)walking in.

"Mrs.horton,Tyler  way needs a tutor,may you please pick a tutor for him,"Mr.Way asked mrs.horton.

Please don't be me,please don't be me,I kept repeating in my head but I don't know why,I judt knew that I would somehow imberass myself,just how?

"I think jack field could do it,"mrs.horton said.

Ugh!no,I don't want to do this.i looked over to Tyler to see him smirking.when he caught me staring he winked at me.Is this dude gay or somethings?he keeps winking at me and it's starting to creep me out.we started are lesson once Mr.way was out of the classroom.I wasn't paying attention to class becuase the only thing I could think about was Tyler I'm gonna tutor him,how he's going to coaporat,how he's so cute.wait! I can't think a boy is cute.its wrong and the bible says not to.if my was reading my thoughts she would tell me the devil is inside me.Why is gay wrong anyway?what makes it so bad?but,the bible says not to so I'm not going to do it.i ended up staring off into space until the bell rang.I jumped from my seat and went to my locker to collect my English work and put away my math work.I ran to my English class and sat by was silence for a minute until I spoke up.

"Hey,what what is your opinion on gays?"I asked tom.

"I'm not one but you can't help who you like so,yeah I support them,"he answered.

"Is Tyler hay gay?"I asked.

"Yes,he conformed it last year,how did you not here about it until now?"

"I guess I don't get news quick,"I answered not wanting him to know that Tyler has been weirdly winking at me.

Tyler walks in and I watch him go to his seat.he winks at me,AGAIN!is this dudes eye infected or something!Mr.gurth,are English teacher walks in when the bell rings and starts talking about some lesson I don't care to know about.the whole class has passed of me staring out in space and finding myself taking quick glances at Tyler for some reason,maybe it's becuase I'm gonna tutor him.yeah,that's it,it's just becuase I'm gonna be tutoring him.I hope.if I fall for a boy my mom says I'll go to hell,and I don't want to go to hell.class is over and I walk to my elective wich is art.i've always loved drawing.i head there and the art teacher mrs.gonzala starts telling us what to draw.she wants us to draw are favirote animal but we have to put it in a situation that describes your life write now.I draw a wolf alone,in the woods,lost becuase I don't know what to do,how feel,and how I think I don't know if I like Tyler or not I don't know what I think on gays and I don't know if I am gay.

I'm lost.

I'm not supposed to be gay-bxbWhere stories live. Discover now