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So much to say to you Little Peas!

You're going to read this full post right?


First things first, MY BLOG IS READY! And it's totally awesome! You can check it out here:

My publisher is helping me with it, so make sure to tell me how terrible it is. ;)

But to make up for it, my publisher is giving away A BONUS CHAPTER!!!! It's never-before-seen material and it gives much insight to the characters such as Allie with The Squad and Ryder...well we all love a brooding loner. 😂😂 I'm kidding. But, like the epilogue, the bonus chapter concerning our favorite hunkadoodle is in HIS POV.

Feel free to go crazy.

Okay, deep breaths, and moving on...

There are actually TWO bonus chapters but I'm not sure on which chapter they are going to put up but all the same, I am excited for you guys to read them! AND ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SIGN UP! IT'S THAT EASY!!

So go sign up RIGHT NOW (don't worry I'll wait).


Did you go sign up?


Then go do it!

I'm serious...

Alright good. :)

Now that you have signed up on the blog, it's time to announce the cover contest. I have been blown away by the sheer quantity of amazing covers you guys have sent me. (you guys are really good artists o_O). I am once again humbled by the sheer quantity of love. My publisher had to reject some of the covers (I know... I know... I wish they didn't also). But there were still so many amazing covers it just blows me away.

So now it's time to vote on which cover you like best (and like in the roman colosseum the weak shall die! MUAHAHAHAH) (hehe jk).

Now go start voting! :) The unicorn demands it!

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I'll see you in the next update! And never stop reading!

P.S. I love our team name! Thanks for suggesting it!

P.P.S. I found out that the freebie is actually a bonus chapter that surrounds a little fact I put in the published version of the book. ;) GO CHECK IT OUT NOW!

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