24th Quiz

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
( In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful )

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
( Peace Be Upon You )

24th Quiz

1) We have the right to __________ and __________ money according to halal means.

A. earn , spend

B. hoard, smuggle

C. rob, steal

D. rob, spend

2) Read these three statements and pick the one that is false:

A. A woman cannot re-marry once divorced

B. A woman has the right to own property

C. A woman has the right to share an inheritance

D. A woman is not supposed to have her last name changed to her husband's after the marriage

3) When the Prophet (pbuh) became very sick and weak, who did he ask to lead the prayers?

A. Bilal bin Rabah (r.a.)

B. Umar bin al-Khattab (r.a.)

C. Abu Bakr (r.a.)

D. Ammar bin Yassir (r.a.)

4) What is Hajjatul Wida?

A. It is washing yourself before prayer

B. The last Hajj performed by Prophet (pbuh)

C. One of the five daily prayers

D. One of the pillars of Islam

5) Abu Bakr (r.a.) was a man of strong ________and relied on ________ instead of any ________ sources.

A. Strength, the sword, peaceful

B. Faith, Allah (s.w.t.), worldly

C. Will, himself, religious

D. None of the above

6) One of the slaves who was freed by Abu Bakr was named _______.

A. Umar

B. Zayd bin Thabit

C. Bilal bin Rabah

D. Hisham

7) When did the Battle of Badr take place?

A. The second year of Hijra

B. The third year of Hijra

C. The fourth year of Hijra

D. The fifth year of Hijra

8) While the Prophet and Abu Bakr traveled to Madina, they hid in ______.

A. old homes

B. forests

C. caves

D. desert

9) What do we call the activities that are mandatory ?

A. Makruh

B. Mubah

C. Fard

D. Sunnah

10) What do we call the activities that are forbidden and punishable by law ?

A. Haram

B. Fard

C. Mubah

D. Makruh

Note : PM me your answers and I'll announce the Winners and Answers إن شاء الله.

جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا

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