22nd Quiz

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
( In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful )

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
( Peace Be Upon You )

22nd Quiz

1) The Companions did not want the army to be led by Usama bin Zayd because .....
A) Zayd was not yet a Muslim
B) Other men were more willing to risk their lives and die for Islam
C) They thought he was too young and inexperienced

2) What does "Jahiliyyah" mean?
A) Ignorance
B) Islamic clothing
C) Strong belief in Allah

3) Why did the Prophet (pbuh) order his companions to move to Madina?
A. The climate in Mecca was very hot
B. The Quraysh would not let the Muslims practice their religion in Mecca.
C. Mecca was a very small city at that time
D. All of the above

4) How did Abu Bakr (r.a.) support and feed his family after he became Khalifa of the Muslim Ummah.
A. He continued doing the same business
B. He received a salary of 25 Dirhams a month and 1 goat per day
C. He decided to become a farmer
D. He received a salary of 50 Dirhams a month and 1 camel per day

5) "Shura" means, to make a decision by ________________.
A) Mutual consultation
B) Trusting in Allah
C) Relying on your own experience

6) What is the main source of Shariah ?
A) The needs of the local community
B) The decisions of the Saudi prince
C) The Quran

7) The 6 authentic books of Hadith are (i) Muslim; (ii) Bukhari;(iii) Dawud and (iv) Nasa'i. Which are the other two ?
A) Mishkat and Majah
B) Musnad and Mishkat
C) Tirmidhi and Musnad
D) Majah and Tirmidhi

8) Why did Abu Bakr (r.a.) want to send an army to some of the neighboring tribes?
A. Some of the tribes had given up on Islam after the Prophet's death because they thought Islam would come to an end.
B. The tribes were planning an attack
C. The people of the tribes refused to convert to Islam
D. None of the above

9) Name the Sura that refers to Orphans and Neighbors ?
A. Nasr
B. Alaq
C. Maun
D. Zilzal

10) What is Hijra?
A. Prophet's coming back to Makkah from Madinah
B. The migration of the Prophet from Makkah to Madina
C. Beginning of Islamic calendar
D. The time when people started accepting Islam

Note : PM me your answers and I'll announce the Winners and Answers إن شاء الله.

جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا

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