15th Quiz

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
(In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. )

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
( Peace Be Upon You )

15th Quiz

1) When was Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) born?
A) 571 C.E.
B) 645 C.E.
C) 327 C.E.
D) 498 C.E.

2) Allah (s.w.t.) says in the Quran to be ......
A) Kind to your parents
B) Kind to your relatives
C) Kind to orphans and those in need
D) All of the above

3) People who disobey Allah (s.w.t.) will be terribly punished by sending them to .....
A) Prison
B) Paradise
C) Hell
D) Court

4) What is the meaning of Shahadah?
A) Allah is One, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is His partner.
B) Allah is One, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is His son.
C) Allah is One, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is His Messenger.
D) There is no Allah.

5) Paradise is a place of .......
A) Anger and jealousy
B) Hunger and thirst
C) Pain and suffering
D) Happiness and joy

6) "Fasalli lirabbika wanhar" means ...
A) Allah is Eternal and Absolute
B) So pray to your Lord and make sacrifice
C) That man is surely in loss
D) Guide us along the straight way

7) In the month of Ramadan, there is a night which is better than a 1,000 months. It is ......
A) Qiyam-ul-Lail
B) Lailatul-Qadr
C) Idd-ul-Fitr
D) None of the above

8) Fasting is ....
A) Not eating during the daytime
B) Not drinking during the daytime
C) Not smoking during the daytime
D) All of the above

9) Allah (s.w.t.) says in the Quran "Surely ..... keeps you away from the indecent and the forbidden''. What is it ?
A) Salat
B) Fasting
C) Telling the truth
D) Saying Ameen

10) When a man asked Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) which bad habit should he leave first, the Prophet (s.a.w.) asked him to .....
A) Give up stealing
B) Give up drinking wine
C) Give up telling lies
D) Give up back-biting

11) Fajr salat is offered at dawn, and Magrib salat at sunset. Both of these times are the beginning of what cycle of nature?
A) Afternoon, night
B) Night, evening
C) Midnight, morning
D) Day, night

12) The message of Allah (s.w.t.) sent through His prophets or messengers was .......
A) There is no god but Allah (s.w.t.)
B) There is a son of Allah (s.w.t.)
C) There is no life after death
D) There is no day of judgment

Note : PM me your answers and I'll announce the Winners and Answers إن شاء الله.

جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا  

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