The Awakening

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"Everyone! Gather around, quickly!" Declared Ratchet loudly. The others in the base immediately stopped what they were doing and did as told, gathering near the medical table which the new Titan of the group lay. An ever so soft rumble occurred, bellowing from deep within the beast's throat. Her optics also began to open, revealing their gentle sapphire blue coloration only seen for a moment, before she snapped and bolted up. Her massive eight wings flared out away from her body, and razors bared at everyone. Optimus stepped forward with Magnus,
"Easy Maxanarda. It is us, Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus. Your brothers." He spoke softly, holding his servos out, with his palms facing upward. She rumbled curiously, moving her helm closer to his servos for a sniff.
"What is she doing?" Raff asked in a whisper.
"She's detecting whether or not this is the real Optimus. After all, we have had our own experience with a Decepticon clone of Wheeljack. She knows they can do such a thing." Ratchet quietly explained. Soon she finished inspecting Prime's servo, and gently nuzzles into it before pulling her helm back while folding her wings. He lowers his servos as Miko asks,
"Can she speak?" Maxa turned to her,
"Aye lass, I can speak like the lot of you." She answered Miko gladly, but suddenly started coughing dust.
"Easy now." Optimus spoke.
"Wo, cool accent." Jack commented.
"Thank you laddy." She replied with a slight bow of her helm in respect to him. He decided to bow his head back.
"And you're Optimus' twin? This is awesome!" Miko showed her enthusiasm.
"What is your name lass?" She asked.
"Miko!" The young girl replied.
"I'm Jack."
"And I'm Raff." The youngest one added, holding out his hand to be polite. Evanna moved her helm up to the boy, who was on a metal platform, and softly touched it with the tip of her muzzle.
"Pleasure meeting you lad, and you two as well." She spoke with a tiny smile when seeing a smile on his face, then pulled back her helm.
"And I'm June, Jack's mom. And this is special agent William Fowler." She introduced them both.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance, ma'am." Fowler politely commented.
"And to you as well." Maxa responded, before yet again coughing dust.
"I apologize, I have not spoken in quite some time." She said after recovering from the cough. The Naita Koa began glancing around the base, noticing the tree, equipment, then the sleeping predacons.
"Who are they?" She questioned.
"Predaking, Darksteel, and Sky Lynx. It is paramount they learn to be led by you, rather than merely Predaking himself or Megatron. Neither have the experience or knowledge to take on such a role for the predacon species." Ultra Magnus answered. Ratchet nodded,
"Since Predaking was the first of Shockwave's recent creations, he dubbed himself Predaking instead of merely being just any predacon, making himself leader of any and all living predacons."
"He was even ready to declare himself commander of you." Arcee added. Maxanarda sighed,
"The thought of control has flooded one too many minds anymore." She responded in disappointed.
"And that is why you must guide them, and help us end this conflict forever." Optimus calmly stated. The Naita Koa nodded in response,
"Indeed, brother. Before I do, there is something I must ask."
"We'll do our best at answering." Responded Bumblebee. She turned to look at the tree,
"What might that be?" She questioned.
"Oh oh I wanna explain!" Exclaimed Miko. "We call it a Christmas tree, for our holiday called Christmas. Once every year, people decorate trees and put up lights. And we get presents to open on Christmas day!" She concluded.
"Hmmm..seems very bright." Maxa responded.
"That's the point, since Christmas is all about being kind and bringing light and joy. As well as celebrating the birth of our Creator's son." Jack nicely added in. Evanna nodded,
"It sounds wonderful to me." She responded ever so pleased.
"Not to be rude or pushy Maxa, but are you ready to take on these predacons? They tend to be quite hostile." Ratchet chimed in.
"Indeed I am, Ratchet."

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