The Christmas Surprise

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"Sweet! Another bot!!" Miko chimed.
"We'll celebrate that later, they could be injured." Ratchet stated while preparing his medical kit to go. He then walks over to prepare the ground bridge, while Bulkhead quickly places that last part of the light strand.
"Looks like the angel will have to wait." Spoke Bumblebee to Raff, getting a nod in reply as the ground bridge is activated to the coordinates. Optimus placed himself in front of the ground bridge,
"Autobots, roll out!" Indicating the transformation and driving of the Autobots into the portal, leaving Smokescreen behind in the base.

Soon enough, the portal opened up to the correct location, letting the Autobots drive out of it. Each immediately transformed and revealed their weapons, except for Ratchet. Optimus then gestured with two digits for them to split up, in case there's an ambush waiting for them. Doing as told, it doesn't take long for Optimus and Ratchet to find the source of the Autobot signal in progress of being unearthed by Predaking, Sky Lynx, and Darksteel themselves.
"Autobots, regroup immediately." Optimus spoke over comlink while hiding behind bushes with Ratchet. The rest of the team hadn't gotten far before Optimus Prime had called them back, so their regrouping only took a short moment. The team then come out of hiding, ready to face the predacons.
"Looks like we have some bots to scrap." Chuckled Sky Lynx.
"Stand down, predacons." Demanded Optimus sternly.
"We will not listen to you, Prime! This pod contains another one of us, and it will join us. We've only just begun our return as a species." Predaking stood his ground. Ratchet managed to get a better glimpse of the pod, and was utterly startled at it's size and what it held within.
"Optimus..Magnus.. It's.. your sister..." He concluded in shock with wide optics.
"That can't be! They're no predacons!" Commented Darksteel.
"True, but her creator mixed several other's CNA together. Including that of Optimus and Magnus." Ratchet responded. Optimus nodded,
"Indeed, and a Naita Koa is far more powerful than any dinobot or predacon." He spoke, remembering her skills in battle. Predaking huffed,
"You are only saying that to frighten us away."
"Maxanarda is our sister, and thus rightfully goes with us." Ultra Magnus commented.
"That does not concern me. This beast you call Maxanarda will fall under my command one way, or another." Predaking stubbornly insisted with a glare in his eye.
"Not today." Spoke Optimus, before he revealed his right hand gun. Predaking barred his teeth, then charged towards Optimus while yelling. In that quick moment of the charge, Prime lifted his left servo and swung it down quickly in an indication to something. After he did, Predaking dizzily tried to keep his balance, but shortly fell to the ground. The confused Autobots looked to Optimus Prime. In turn, the leader looked to Ratchet while lowering his gun.
"Temporary stasis darts, been working on those lately." Ratchet spoke. Provoked to anger, the two other predacons transformed into beasts, and also charged the Autobots. Ratchet quickly began firing the darts, some being burnt to a crisp by the beasts before reaching them. But darts began firing so fast, the two couldn't keep up with them, and a couple shot both in the necks. They both stumble around as well before falling to the earth beneath their pedes.
"Those darts sure do come in handy." Bulkhead thought aloud.
"We have no choice but to bring our predacon foes back to base." Optimus stated, slightly changing the subject.
"What?!" All Autobots exclaimed in utter shock, even Ratchet.
"They need to learn who their true leader is, and who is correct to follow." Optimus added, glancing at Maxanarda's stasis pod. Ratchet sighed,
"He has a point. With them against us, we are in more danger each mission." He agreed. Ultra Magnus looked at his replaced servo which had been fixed by Ratchet due to a previous predacon-inflicted injury.
"I would have to agree with them, Autobots." Magnus added.
"Very well then. They, along with Maxanarda Evanna, will return to base with us." Prime concluded. He then put a couple digits to the side of his helm,
"Smokescreen, activate the ground bridge." He ordered. Soon enough, the colorful appearance of the bridge appeared before them. Optimus assisted in carrying Predaking with Bulkhead, dealing with the male predacons first since they're in closer range of the ground bridge. One can only imagine the look on the face plate of Smokescreen and the humans as these large creatures were brought into their base unconscious.

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