So...Pasta is Out Then?

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Yoooooo. Uhhm. Hey. Remember me? The female writer that disappears and poofs back into existence every few months? Hi. I'm sorry if you've been waiting on updates for FLOSS! (Although, I highly doubt it. Highly. Like...highly.) I'm slowly getting over a major case of laziness and writer's block and college application struggles, so FORGIVE ME, beautiful creatures. I hope you enjoy my comeback chapter. :)


Chapter 14: So...Pasta is Out, Then?

"Hey, hey, hey! The Lieutenant has come out to play!"

I stopped at the balcony over the foyer, seeing Victorian at the foot of the stairs, smiling broadly.

He knew I was pissed. No doubt about it.

"You're dismayed with me, aren't you? I can tell that you're dismayed with me."

I only stared at him as I made my way toward him.

"Your silence proves that you're dismayed with me. Like, really dismayed with me. There's much more dismay than the usual amount."

Victorian took three large steps backward and remained silent as I reached the ground floor.

"I need you to stop talking about me. Whatever you told Jarvis and Stephanie, pretend you didn't mention it. Tell them that my affinity for lasagna is a lie. If anything else relating to my family has already been said, stop saying more, Alexander."

"Hold on, Love. I'm just trying to help them grow accustomed to you. You don't play well with others."

"That is by choice. You telling them that I graduated in my early teens and bringing Blythe into the equation were things that were completely uncalled for." I stepped forward.

"They're facts," he stated, raising his arms in a placating manner. "Not things. Ones that you should be proud of and claim as your own. Not sweep under some rug because you're stupid enough to find the bad in them."

"They're not common knowledge for a reason, Victorian. You don't get to make the decision as to whether I want others to know about my family. Or me."

"Right. You're right. Let's say, though, that they should know-"

"There's no hypothetical loophole! No info about and/or relating to the Blakes."

"And/or? That's laying it on a little bit thick, Love."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Hear me out, Lieutentant. The angry fellow, for example, would love to know all there is about you. As your best friend, it is my duty-"

"To respect my wishes! That's all! Not serve, 'Scarlett Blake: A Documentary,' on a platter. And without them even asking for it!"

"Alright, calm down," he said, walking up to me. He grabbed my arms from my sides. "Relax those fists of yours. It's not like you can punch me or anything."

"Funny." I elbowed his ribs. "I'm serious."

"So am I. I'll try not to blabber on you too much, but I'll admit, it's going to be hard."

"Just don't speak. Hell, try not breathing."

"Funny," he echoed. "Let's go."

Eyebrow raise.

"No lasagna means you're willing to disappoint Jarvis. Let's go."


"What do you mean no lasagna?!"

"Jarvis," I started. "I can't make a pan to save my life. Victorian might have meant spaghetti or even macaroni and cheese. I can't make a lick of lasagna."

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