The Hell's Party

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Hello there, my readers. I came here to thank you for all the support so far! You hwve no idea how much I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy this chapter. ALSO! i have finally manage to rewrite my first chapter for British Curls! Check it out! Picture of Charlotte on the side! Happy Read!

                     Chapter Ten

                   The Hell's Party


"Poor things," Violet says as we walk toward her car. "Well, it was a good thing it was only an opening game." She starts the ignite, she takes her phone in her hand and reads a text.

"So what are we doing next?" I ask.

She sighs, "We go to the after game party, of course. Though I don't think it'll be much of a party now..."

I make a face, "I'm not a big fan of parties, Violet turns to me, "It'll be only for a moment. I promise you, I just got something to do."

I sigh, "Okay then."

When we arrive it's pretty filled up, it's pretty much what I imagined. The music is loud, sweaty bodies everywhere and alcohol. There's some people with really pissed looking faces and some others drinking heavily trying to forget about the game.

Dean Harris is both of them, he has his hands grasp upon a Jack Daniels. He drinks directly from it, he's all alone as he walks through the crowd.

I try to walk around but God, If I thought Jason's party was crowded, this one is even worst. People push me around, back and forth, I try to breath, God gracious, Chill. I stop for a second, my hand holding tightly the edge of the countertop.

I just need a cigarette, I back up and head out the door, quickly and almost anxious, I place it between my lips as I take out my lighter. As soon as the smoke enters my mouth I feel back into my senses.

I exhale and a cloud floats away. I lose myself, focus in my cigarette.

At the same time, a jeep parks in front of me, it has loud music playing, they exit the car laughing and tossing each other around. They scream loudly, to the point I turn to look at them, weirded out of the chronicle need this boys has for screaming.

They caught me right in the act, hand taking the stick out of my mouth. One of them, brown hair and eyes, stares at me briefly. He has a smirk around his lips as he chuckles, in some sort; Ha, who knew.

I raise my eyebrow confused but I brush it away and head back to the house. I throw the cigarette to the ground and step on it.

This time, it feels a lot easier, I push away and seem to make enough space to walk through. That's only when they don't suddenly stop and I smash my nose into their backs.

"What the hell?" I say very pissed as I touch my nose. But the boy is too busy being a goddam statue to notice me. As I move past him, I notice everyone seems to have lost their brains too.

I make it to the kitchen countertop, it doesn't surprise me when I see Dean sitting by himself hands tight around an absolute citron, he looks up at me, he looks angry and drunk. Blood shot eyes and it even seems hard for him to even sit straight up. I reach out for a glass of water and before the cup touched my lips, he gives me sarcastic toss and drinks up his bottle like water.

"I know you probably heard this before, but honestly Dean, you look pathetic." Dean's eyes widen as he tries, effects of the alcohol and finishing two bottles of whisky and vodka, to put the bottle on the table.

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