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I don't know what I want out of love anymore

Should I just kick everyone out the door

Do I still like this person or have I moved on

I just feel like my heart is gone

I have a crush on someone who can't date

He's a Jehovah's Witness so I can't relate

I have a crush on a 12th grader

He basically just said "uh, okay, later"

I have a crush on a guy who just wants to use me

He also supports Trump and likes my friend Trinity

I might still like an ex

Although that could be just a hex

I also still like the girl who I asked to the homecoming dance

But I've given up cause I have no chance

I need to stop getting so attached to them

I need to realise that we have no chem.(istry)

I'm also in love with fictional characters like Fred

Why does he have to be dead

I also like Edward cause he'll protect me

But I'm not fictional, jee

Why am I stuck in this world where it's boring

It's as boring as my kitchen flooring

I want to be where all of the adventure is at

Not stuck here being allergic to a cat

Let me fly free

In the land of fantasy

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