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I still love you

You probably don't love me too

I just want you to be happy

Because life can be so damn crappy

I want you to find the love that I felt for you

Because you obviously never felt it for me too

I want you to be so happy and to be in love

We used to fit together like a pair of gloves

Whenever I think about you I get a smile and then I feel sad

We shouldn't have broken up and it makes me so fucking mad

You obviously don't care about me

You've started talking to me like I'm a fucking tree

So why the hell do I care about you a fucking shit ton

This game is not fun

The day after we broke up at school I could tell how unhappy you were about everything in life

It looked like you were gonna commit homicide with a knife

No one will love you like I did

But what do I know cause I'm just a kid

I really thought that we were gonna last

I thought that we were having a blast

I  miss being able to hold you hand, hug you, kiss you, and most of all cuddle you

Now everything has started up new

At school it's like we never even dated

You used to make me feel elated

When you are brought up I try to put a smile on my face

I have cried so much that my tears feel like mace

After we talk about you I look away with a dead sadness in my eyes with tears threatening to spill

Now when people say I'm sorry I just want to kill

I had to tell my family at my cousins Grad party today

It makes my life feel grey

When I told Mariah she just said "Oh, I'm sorry"

If I hear another sorry then I will kill them all on an African safari

When I told my Aunt Jenny she was surprised because you met her for nothing 

Nothing is all I feel now and I just want to feel something

But when I let my feelings out

All I want to do is shout

My strongest feeling is what I feel for you which is only love

What happened to my other glove

Depressing PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now