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Wow, it's been a long time

I guess I've been finding my shine

I've found who I am

The song I'm listening to is my jam

I know that I'm Pan

And I know that I'm not a man

I'm agender

I wish that I was an Air bender

I'm not too young to know

Just because I have yet to grow

I'm happy with myself 

I have a growing bookshelf

I've started playing Pokemon GO

Lately I haven't been feeling as low

I've been hanging with the fam

It's been as nice as a lamb

The fam I hang with accepts me

They don't make me want to break my knee

That fam has a Trans member and a gay one

And hanging with them is really fun

I can be who I am and feel safe

At home I feel unsafe

I think my depression may be gone

Life makes me yawn

My anxiety is getting worse

It's like a curse

There's this girl that I like

Her eyes are starlike

She's so beautiful

She makes me feel cheerful

If I date her, I'd make her feel like she's a princess

I'd call her cuteness

I don't know what I'm saying anymore

I guess I'll walk out the door

Depressing PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now