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I want to be accepted for who I am
I see the beautiful lamb
I think 'they don't have any cares'
Well, besides bears
I've decided to give up on being happy
Because life is crappy
I wanted to be Drake some days
Yesterday was Pride Day for the Gays
I was depressed for so long
I guess the only thing that can make me happy now is a bong
I thought my happiness would never come back
For a few days my sadness was a lack
Then today my dad caused my depression to rise once more
I am now once again depressed to the core
I want to stay out of everyone's lives
I can now see many knives
I want to just cuddles the pain away
But instead I'll be alone in my room all day
My friends can accept me for who I choose to be
'Dad, just accept me' I plea
Where is my hero at
It feels like my heart's been hit with a bat
I can't save myself
Its like im just sitting there on a shelf
I can't do anything right
He never said goodnight
I just want to be in my own little place
My eyes feel like they've been sprayed with mace
I'm not going to let me be happy with me
I'm in pain, can't you see
I'm shoving Drake back in the closet
My eyes are showering like a faucet
I will not be who I am because it makes you feel weird
I used to want a beard
Now I don't want to be me
Because you made me unhappy
I will try to be your 'perfect little girl'
Even though being called a girl makes me want to hurl
I'll stop questioning my gender and be what I was born
I'll even stop watching porn
Now neither of us are happy
Because you were always crappy
I'm sorry that I'm alive
At this rate I'll never be able to drive
I hope I disappear soon
Maybe I'll turn into the moon
I hope you all have a wonderful day
Nice words might make someone choose to stay
I love you all
Now excuse me while I go bawl

Depressing PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now