When Love Runs Red:: Chapter Eleven

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Copyright © 2012: Letitia Van Herck. All Rights Reserved.

                                                    When Love Runs Red

                                                          Chapter Eleven


Chirping sounded from the garden. It was a high pitched singing sort of sound that gracefully carried itself through the bustling winds of the new day. Charlotte looked out her back window, her face pressed up tight against the cool surface in hope of catching sight of the birds. She could not spot them however. The day was much darker than the days she was used to as they did not seem to have a sun. Just a moon a brilliant red that made chills shiver through her body. It was eerie.

           However it did not completely stop Charlotte taking in the gardens landscape. Her room, a few doors down from Dante’s, had a large square window that directly gazed down upon the back garden. The garden was large and seemed to drag out forever; it had patches and rows of flowers and bushes and nearest to the kitchen held a small vegetable patch. At the end of the garden there was a forest that seemed to spread right around the castle. It reminded Charlotte painfully of home. With a pang of sadness she stepped away from the window and paced around the room.

           The room was grand in structure; with dark varnished woods, a high four post bed and a marble fire place. The fire was burning vibrantly as the castle was ushered in damp cold. The wind continued to howl outside, making the windows creak in protest. Charlotte gathered winter was starting to come as the cold settled and the wildlife had almost died off. She rubbed her hands together and moved closer to the fire; letting the subtle warmth heat her body.


          "Good heavens it is cold," She mumbled to herself. She had been a welcomed residence in the castle for hardly more than a day and so far had had the opportunity to be graced with her majesties presence during supper time. The Queen was an interesting character to say the least. She was unpredictable in her moods and had scared Charlotte to some extent with her temper. Charlotte still had an inkling of sympathy towards the poor Chef- who she was sure she would never see again. Yet the Queen was always pleasant towards Charlotte and it filled her with glee at the thought of her learning. Her parents never believed in the need for a girl to learn. She could read and paint and sow but she had never been given the chance to truly learn, unlike her cousin whom because of his male status had attended some of the best schools in England.

          A knock sounded then; causing her to jump ever so slightly. Shakily she called out for the person to enter. With a creak of the door her Maid entered, who she had now learnt name was Primrose. Charlotte was growing fond of the timid girl, but wished she could tend to all her needs, for the previous grump of a maid still did not like her. Just that morning she had purposely brought her the servant’s food with a cruel smirk on her face. Charlotte had turned her nose up and instantly wished to be rid of the woman. After all she had done nothing wrong.


         "Good morning Lady Watson," the maid muttered curtsying low.

          "Good morning," Charlotte replied, beaming as the girl slipped into the room with a fresh gown, and soaps.


          "I have begun boiling the water for your bath and I shall be bringing it up shortly," she said. "Is there anything you require?"

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