Browse books

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Some people are only on here to read, which is fantastic because there should always be readers in the world, unfortunately I am not one of them. I need a specific genre or I'm going to get bored and not read. So if you're like me, or you just want to try a new genre then this is how you do it on Wattpad!

You scroll you mouse over top of the "Discover" tab at the top of the Wattpad page. This will cause a drop down menu to appear with:







Then All the genres that wattpad offers: Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Humor, Paranormal, Mystery / Thriller, Horror, Adventure, Historical Fiction, Teen Fiction, Fan Fiction, Poetry, Short Story, Non-Teen, Fiction, ChickLit, Action, Vampire, Werewolf, Spiritual, Non-Fiction, Classics, Other

Now it just depends on what you want to read. If you click "What's Hot" or anything on the left hand side of the drop down menu. It will so you the most popular books in all the genres, but if you just want to find a specific genre, click the genre.

This will send you to a new page of the top ten works for that genre, read the description, click on the story you want and start reading! It works like a google search so when you get to the end just click the next page button (>) and continue looking. 

Happy Reading!

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