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After hanging out with Lilly that night, I honestly tried not to think about Grant and Andrea. The thought of them together hurts me to my core, to the essence of my being, but I really have no room to be upset. After all, he isn't mine. He never was. We were always just friends and the lines got blurred and the feelings were caught, but there is still no reason for why I should really be upset or angry or heartbroken. If anything, I should just be happy for him; he found someone that he is clearly interested in and it makes him happy. He's happy so it can't be that bad, right?

The days turned into a week and then the week turned into two and it was Christmas Eve before I even knew it. I had survived Grant-mageddon and Finals. I was back home in Florida with my parents, Jenna, and the lovable Basset Hound, Charlie. The fire was blazing in the fireplace under the TV and we were all cuddled up in my parents' bed watching Miracle on 34th Street. No matter how old we get, the tradition never dies. There's me, a senior in college, and Jenna who is 26 and newly engaged. Her now-fiancé Calvin proposed on their anniversary and that's why she had texted me asking when I would be home for Christmas-- she was super excited to tell me and ask me to be her maid of honor.

Things with Grant had managed to settle and I got used to the stories of the places he and Andrea would go and the things that he and Andrea would do so I got used to everything being about him and Andrea. They had made things official. Granted, it really wasn't like they had much of a choice. After being photographed together twice, paparazzi made assumptions that the two of them completely fulfilled. Andrea

Grant at 10:24 PM: Merry Christmas Eve!

Cam at 11:02 PM: Oh, hey, thanks. You too! Sorry I didn't respond right away-- I was watching a movie with the fam. Our tradition

Grant at 11:17 PM: Aww that's ncie. what movie/.

Cam at 11:19 PM: Whoa, someone's taking Litmas Eve to the next level. Miracle on 34th St

Grant at 11:20 PM: I'm not drunk. I was just typing too fast and gave up correcting myself because you know what I mean. Sorta scary actually

Cam at 11:22 PM: That I do but how scary?

Grant at 11:23 PM: You know a lot about me and  you sorta know me as well as I know myself

Cam at 11:24 PM: Better. Better than you know yourself

Grant at 11:26 PM: I bought Andrea a ring

Cam at 11:27 PM: You've known her for three weeks-- go get your money back. You are not proposing to her right now
Cam at 11:27: Sorry, try again

Grant at 11:29 PM: I'm not proposing, calm down
Grant at 11:30 PM: I just really like her and I like spending time with her and I wanted to give her something that shows it

Cam at 11:32 PM: And an edible arrangement wouldn't have done that for you?

Grant at 11:33 PM: Cam
Grant at 11:33 PM: No
Grant at 11:33 PM: I wanted it to be special

Cam at 11:35 PM: You're losing it.

Grant at 11:37 PM: Put yourself in her shoes. Wouldn't you want me to do something like that for you?

Cam at 11:40 PM: Rings are trouble.
Cam at 11:40 PM: Even if you're not proposing
Cam at 11:41 PM: Rings mean promise and that your heart belongs to someone on a deeper and more meaningful level

Grant at 11:44 PM: Fine, I guess. What should I do then?

Cam at 11:47 PM: Keep it and if you decide to give it to her later, it will be even more special. In the meantime, get her a bracelet. Those are pretty safe

Grant at 11:51 PM: Okay, thanks
Grant at 11:53 PM: How was your day besides the movie night?

Cam at 11:58 PM: It was good. Saw some family. Ran into old friends. Did some last minute wrapping and that's about it

Grant at 12:00 AM: That sounds cool
Grant at 12:00 AM: How was seeing old friends? I feel like it's weird to see old friends after while.
Grant at 12:00 AM: Oh, and Merry Christmas

Cam at 12:01 AM: lol Merry Christmas
Cam at 12:02 AM: but yeah it was fine. This guy I had a class with and who is also from Miami asked me out so that'll be interesting

Grant at 12:04 AM: why is that interesting?
Grant at 12:04 AM: Ooooouuuuuu what's his name? Do you love him? Are you going to make love-y eyes at him the whole time?

Cam at 12:05 AM: Ok, we're done here

Grant at 12:06 AM: Fine, I'll be serious. What's his name?

Cam at 12:07 AM: Rob

Grant at 12:07 AM: Eh, sounds like a tool

Cam at 12:08 AM: Yep. So done here

Grant at 12:08 AM: What? Why?

Cam at 12:09 AM: Because you're judging him and you don't even know him and *you're* being a tool

Grant at 12:10 AM: You're right. I'm sorry. Tell me more about him. What's he like?

Cam at 12:12 AM: He's actually really nice. We had a class together and we sat near each other so sometimes we would make comments to each other and joke around before class started since the professor was always late. He would say that when we're both home, we should hang out so I gave him my number. So we're both home and now we're going out

Grant at 12:14 AM: It's Christmas. Who asks someone out on a date on Christmas?

Cam at 12:16 AM: 😒😒😒 We'll probably do something tomorrow, Grant.
Cam at 12:26 AM: You know, jealousy is not a good look in you.

Grant at 12:28 AM: I'm not jealous

Cam at 12:28 AM: Ok

Grant at 12:29 AM: I'm not!
Grant at 12:29 AM: I just can't help but be a little protective of you

Cam at 12:30 AM: Aww thanks you're really sweet but I'll be fine.

We stayed up later, texting each other back and forth. Occasionally, Grant would slide in a question about Rob but that was it. Jett was doing fine and I guess Andrea was Ok. Outside of Grant talking about the gift to give her, he never really mentioned her. He was with his family and she was with hers so I presume there wasn't too much to tell. It was around 3 AM when sleepiness started to take over and my eyes began to get heavier.

Grant at 2:52 AM: Sweet dreams, Cam 😘

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