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Cam at 2:43 PM: How'd you two meet?

Grant at 2:45 PM: Work.

Cam at 2:46 PM: I watch the show, Grant... she's not on it

Grant at 2:47 PM: Guest star, duh

Cam at 2:48 PM: Ahhh what's her name?

Grant at 2:49 PM: Andrea Pascallini.

Cam at 2:51 PM: Oh she's cute I guess

Grant at 2:53 PM: Cute? She's 😍😍😍😍

Cam at 2:53 PM: Eh

Grant at 2:53 PM: Quit being shady

I stalked her. She's gorgeous. She's real. She's famous and she apparently is a really good person, donating to charity and advocating to make the world a better place. She's an angel, Godsend, and savior. She's perfection and everyone on the blogs and interviews and websites all say that she is the reason that their faith in humanity has been restored.

I don't like her.

I don't like her one bit.

It's not a jealousy thing because Grant is into her, but I can see how someone would think that. But it's not. Nothing was ever going on between us so I couldn't and can't get mad.

My reason? I just can't see him with someone like her. She seems like she is all about image and publicity and doing everything for cameras. Meanwhile, he is more reserved and tends to stay out of the limelight-- humble and looking for some sense of normalcy. I'm not saying that everything she's doing is fake and is put on for an audience but I'm also not saying that it's not.  She's not a bad person, clearly, but she still was not what I pictured for Grant.

I pictured him with someone more low-key-- someone who stayed out of the limelight or just wasn't even famous all together. She seemed like she was more of a jetsetter with a fast paced lifestyle that led to gallivanting across with the world with groupies in her wake. Grant needed someone who would be a constant in his life, always there for him. He doesn't trust easily and it would be nearly impossible to gain his confidence in a half-hearted, absentee relationship.

Grant at 2:55 PM: Wait, are you jealous? Are you afraid Andrea is going to place you?

Cam at 2:57 PM: No

Grant at 2:58 PM: Good because no matter what you're still going to be my girl

Cam at 3:00 PM: And if I finally talk to that guy at work and we hit if off and something happens?

Grant at 3:02 PM: Then good for you.
Grant at 3:03 PM: You're still mine

Cam at 3:05 PM: Not only does my fictional boyfriend not approve but also I'm strong, independent woman and I do not belong to you-- I am not yours.

Grant at 3:07 PM: Somebody's been listening to Beyoncé...

Cam at 3:09 PM: ...

Grant at 3:11 PM: Kidding!

Grant at 3:11 PM: I'm listening and am aware of your feelings and I totally validate you

Cam at 3:14 PM: That sounds so rehearsed.

Grant at 3:17 PM: I mean-- I am an actor.

Cam at 3:20 PM: ...

Grant at 3:22 PM: Kidding! Again. What's wrong? You seem grumpy. You don't like my jokes?

Cam at 3:25 PM: They're not funny

Grant at 3:28 PM: Ok, well, I'm sorry. I won't do it again.
Grant at 3:28 PM: Is everything else Ok though? Do you want to talk about it?

Cam at 3: 30 PM: Talk about what?

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