Chapter 1

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Beauty queen of
only eighteen
She had some
Trouble with herself
~She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5

Ariel’s P.O.V

I didn’t think school could get any lamer. Then my mom became the nurse. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mom with all my heart but her at my school, kind of sucks. I was already a loser as it is. But none the less, we could really use the money my mom would get from the job. So I sat in class, twisting my heart necklace on my finger. I wished I could find the key that fit in it. My necklace wasn’t much really. We couldn’t afford a diamond necklace when I was born though. We couldn’t afford it now either. It was just a gold heart with the words “He Who Holds the Key Can Unlock My Heart” and then a space for the key. I guessed that my match would have a key as a necklace. (Picture on Cover)

I wondered all the time what he or she would look like. I felt like my perfect match would be taller than me with curly brown hair. Maybe blue or green eyes. Full pink lips, with white teeth.  They could be straight or crocked. I wanted him/her to be strong and protect me.

I was smaller, and had a small curvy frame. I was strong and could hurt someone, but I didn’t like to. I only did when I needed to. I had long hair which was blonde and waved. I straighten it every morning, even though my mom’s always tell me it looks good waved. I would just roll my eyes. I wore glasses that covered my light blue eyes. I had straight, white teeth. I never thought I was ugly like most girls. I always thought I was pretty. I’m not conceded I just have always kind of liked myself. I didn’t wear almost any make up beside lip gloss sometimes. I wasn’t a girly girl but I wasn’t a tom boy either. I liked pants over dresses but I didn’t mind wearing them. I wore skirts and pink, but I also loved jeans and black. I was just normal I guess.  

I looked up at the clock and found I only had eight minutes till class was over. I was in math at the moment, and I sucked at it. I cannot do math at all. I wondered if my match was good at math. Probably was. He/she was probably smart. They were probably good at math and writing. They probably would do everything. Okay maybe not everything but a lot. I glanced at the clock and I only five more minutes left. I sighed and tapped my fingers on the desk, twisting my hair with my finger. I looked at the board like a good girl and tried to forces and understand but it was kind of hard. I wasn’t very good t forcing on things. I could if I wanted to, but I didn’t really want to.

Ring-ring. Ring-ring. Ring-ring

I jumped out of my seat and packed my things. I was out in no time, and I walked to my locker. I stuffed all my things in and grabbed the things I would need for homework. I put them in my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. I pulled out my phone and earphones and plugged them in as I started walking to the nurses’ office. I kept my head down as I walked, people shoving past me. Everyone wanted to get out of this hell hole. I knocked on the door of the nurses’ office and when I heard a faint “come in” I walked into the room.

I hated the nurses’ office. I didn’t like the way it smelt or looked. It was all so white and clean. My mother, Jane, loved it though. All she wanted in life was to help others. Becoming a nurse had always been her dream, and now she was one. Even if it was only for a school where most of the time only reason someone came in was because they had a cold or their stomach hurt.  She didn’t mind though. Helping one was like helping a thousand to her.

She was stunning. She had long brown hair that hit her mid back. She had deep brown eyes that held every bit of her soul.  She was tall and a bit curvy, but nothing too much. She was simple to understand and get to know. She was open and would listen without interrupting. She was fun loving but still stern when needed.

“Hey Ariel, how was your day?” My mother asked, pulling me into a hug.

“Good and yours?” I asked, pulling away.

“Good, you ready to go home?” She asked and I nodded.

The car ride home was quiet, which was normal. I was close with both my mom’s but we didn’t really talk much. I was just like every other teen who argued with their parents.  I just argued about different things. Other teens wanted the new Iphone and new clothes. I wanted to travel the world in search of my match. I wanted to move out of the house and go places, meet people. I wanted to do things. But I was seventeen so I couldn’t.

We made it to are little house on the corner, and I skipped out of the car. I unlocked the door and I could already smell dinner.

“Smells good Annabeth.” I yelled to my other mom that I called by first name.   

I called my other mom by her first name just because I didn’t want to be called both my mom’s mom. Jane and Annabeth had decided when I was born who would get to be called mom and who would get to be called by their name. Annabeth said she would do it; sense she had always called her mother by name, and her father. Not because she was disrespectful just because that was what her parents wished.

“Thanks, find your soul match yet?” She asked.

“No, not yet.”

Every time I walked in the door she asked me that. Not to bring me down, but to make me laugh. I thought it was funny. My mom’s hadn’t found each other till they were at least 27. That was old for this time. They didn’t have me until they were 35. They were older, but not too old. They didn’t look old at all though.  Jane and Annabeth looked about 30 at the most.

Annabeth had big curly red hair, and bright blue eyes. She was short and very curvy. She was more quiet and shy then Jane. She loved books and making food. She was a great cook, and she made dinner every night after she came home from work. She was a book editor, which I thought was great. She loved to read, and she loved her job. Both of my parents loved their jobs. The loved there lives and were both truly happy.

But I wasn’t. Not really.

Maybe there were happy because they had found their match.   

Hey, my name is Ally and this is my fan fiction The Necklace. Well, I’m writing this fan fiction for my friend named Dana. She’s a Harry’s girl and has been asking for a fan fiction for a bit. I’ve written fan fictions before, and one right now has 1k reads which is freaking crazy but whatever. Anyways, I hope you like my book, and make sure to




And Love Ariel

PS. I do that after every chapter, and I also write a note. You don’t have to read them unless I ask you too but it would be cool if you did :) <3 The pic on the side is Ariel.

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