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Lucia's POV

I couldn't see anything and all I could do was feel the electricity shooting through my body, stopping me from shifting and healing. My body was hurting and bleeding and I had bruises all over me. Whoever had kidnapped me was beating the shit out of me and was keeping me tied up with electricity.

3rd Person's POV

"I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened." Allison looked at Lydia seriously. "I'll promise not to say anything about what just happened if you can tell me what the hell just happened." Lydia retorted and Allison sighed. "It's - it's kind of complicated." She stammered, wishing that Lucia were there to help. "Well, how 'bout you start with why was Derek there? Or where Jackson went, or what is wrong with Erica? Oh, do you need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?" Lydia asked as Allison hesitated. "It's better if you just keep what you know to yourself. Okay?" Lydia groaned and slammed the car door before walking up to her house.

Allison drove home whilst Derek followed the Kanima by foot. Scott and Stiles drove Stiles's jeep to the same place.

Derek fought the Kanima until it pushed him away and Chris Argent shot it. Gerard Argent stood in front of the Kanima fearlessly. And it ran off, Scott and Stiles following.

Scott and Stiles broke into the gay club and found Jackson who paralyzed 7 people, including Danny.

Derek was standing in his loft, his head in his hands as he worried about Lucia. "It's my fault." He whispered and Isaac shook his head. "We should go and look for her." He suggested so Derek and Isaac walked up to her room to catch her smell before informing, Scott, Boyd and Erica. Scott brought Allison and Stiles and so they went to look for Lucia. It was obvious that Derek was beating himself up over the whole thing as they searched the woods and the town but they just couldn't smell, hear or see Lucia.

*A few days later*

Lucia's POV

"Well Derek obviously doesn't care enough to come and look for you so I could just kill you." Gerard laughed and I snapped at him. He just continued laughing, turning the electricity higher. I screamed out in pan and he hit my rib cage with a baseball bat to get me to shut up. I groaned but quieted down. He smirked and took my chin into his hand. He raised my head and looked into my eyes. "Pretty eyes. Wonder if your friends will miss them." He turned around and got a sword. My heart beat accelerated as I used my last bit of strength.

"Grandpa!" Allison's voice raing through the house and Gerard sighed before rushing up the stairs, but not before turning the voltage higher and sticking a knife into my side. I hissed in pain and from all the electricity I passed out.

Scott' POV

We finally found Lucia and whilst Stiles and I waited outside in his Jeep, Derek ran into the Argent's household whilst Allison distracted her Grandfather. Her parents were on a date night again. Derek came out, carrying Lucia bride style as she clung to his neck but I could smell her dying slowly. Tears gathered in my eyes as we gently placed her in the back of Stiles' Jeep.

Stiles could barely pay attention to the road thanks to his worry for his younger cousin, who I guess was like his sister. "Is she okay?" He whispered and I turned to Derek but he was staring out of the window, his hand holding Lucia's shaking one. I shrugged and pushed away my own tears. It physically hurt me to look at her like that. "We can't take her to the hospital can we?" Stiles asked and Derek answered, "We have to." That was all he said all the way to the hospital.

Stiles hesitated before turning to the hospital. I quickly got out and rushed into the hospital. "Mum! Mum!" I looked around for my mother and soon Derek came in with Lucia holding onto his neck, blood dripping onto the floor as she shook.

My mum came around the corner and gasped at the sight in front of her. She hurried Derek into a spare room and got the bed ready for Lucia. Derek carefully put her down and sat next to her on a chair.

Lucia reached out her hand and Derek took it in both of his hands, kissing it. I hadn't ever seen Derek like that before, soon Lydia, Allison, Stiles, Isaac, The sheriff and Boyd came rushing into the room. "What happened?!" Lydia screeched and Derek shushed her as Lucia flinched. Lydia was crying so Stiles comforted her as I stood in a corner, watching as everyone cried over my almost dead girlfriend.

The others left after Melissa told them that Lucia needed a rest but Stiles, Derek and I refused to leave.

"I'm not leaving her. Never again." Derek argued against my Mum and so she sighed, pulled Lucia's quilt off and seeing as Lucia was only in her bra my Mum didn't have to take anything else off. Some of her bruises had healed but my Mum didn't seem to notice. "Take her hand." She looked at me so I softly took Lucia's hand as my Mum pulled the knife out. Lucia squirmed and squeezed her eyes shut, I carefully rubbed her hand with my thumb as Derek paced the room.

My Mum disinfected everything before giving Lucia some pain killers and leaving. Lucia fell asleep soon after. Stiles sat in a chair but his head was on Lucia's bed and he was holding her hand. Derek held Lucia's other hand between both of his and leaned his forehead onto his hands as he sat in the other chair.

I sat on the floor but leaned my head onto the bed.


A/N Ok I know this chapter was really bad but I'm Ill and I don't know..I promise the next chapter will be better. Sorry.

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