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Well we all know how it goes now. Mystery-AuthorZ 7 facts

1. My full name is Evan Tyler ________ (sounds a lot like the famous golf company)

2. Gonna do a face reveal when SilentBlade203 does his.

3. I'm still single. I need to make a pie chart for why.

4. My fav YT channel has to be Fanfickle Entertainment OR Game Theory.

5. Starting a weekly art book for the drawing that I'm doing on this new app. Starts Saturday.

6. I LOVE seriAl murDerer (guess what I'm actually saying)

7. My gamer tag for pretty much all games is Evanluck or evanluck.

I tag
Angelwolf85 (She makes awesome books and she won't make a new part and I'm really triggered about that)
BlackIceWOF (because I haven't tagged u in a while)
KeikoTsukiyomiTaisho (IDK if this person is still on)

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