Stolen meme

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Well I decided I want to do this on wattpad. Thanks to my skill at copy and pasting I took all of what Sahel said and put it here. The you decides are filler cause they did. I'm doing 2. I have the rest filled out just incase.

 I have the rest filled out just incase

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You right now

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You right now

1. Are you single? Yes

2. Are you happy? Melvin is happy

3. Are you bored? No

4. Are you naked? No

5. Are you a blonde? No

6. Are you moody? Is being really silent considered moody?
9. Are you Irish? My biology is messed up so I'm not sure. Mostly American and Scottish.

10. Are you Asian? IK I'm not asain


1. Name: Evan

2. Middle name: Tyler

3. Any birth marks: One about 5 inches below my heart.

4. Hair color: Dark brown

5. Natural hair color: Dark brown

6. Eye color: Brown

7. Height: I'm 14 and I weigh 110 lbs and I'm 5'10

8. Mood?:

9. Favorite color: GREEN

10. One place you want to visit: HOW CAN I CHOSE ONE! I rarely leave North Carolina! CANADA FRANCE IRELAND CALIFORNIA...


1. Do you believe in love at first sight? 

2. Do you believe in soul mates? 

3. (You decide)

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally?

5. Have you ever broke someone's heart? 

6. Ever had your heart broken? 

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? 

8. Are you afraid of commitment? 

9. Who was the last person you hugged? 

10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? 


1. Love or lust? 

2. (You decide)

3. Cats or dogs? 

4. A few best friends or many regular friends?

5. Television or internet?

6. Chinese or Indian food?

7. Wild night out or romantic night in?

8. Money or Happiness?

9. Night or day?

10. MSN or phone? 


1. Been caught sneaking? 

2. Been skinny dipping? 

3. Bungee jumped? 

4. Finished an entire jaw breaker? 

5. Lied to someone you liked? 

6. Wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back? 

8. Cried yourself to sleep?

9. Cried because you lost a pet?

10. Wanted to disappear?


1. Smile or eyes?

2. Light or dark hair?

3. Hugs or kisses? 

4. Shorter or taller?

5. Intelligence or attraction?

6. Romantic or spontaneous?

7. Funny or serious? 

8. Older or younger? 

9. Outgoing or quiet? 

10. Sweet or bad ass? 

Ok I'm going to ask a few people if they want to do this. Notice they all start with a S.


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