A little Story

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This is nothing serious but might as well talk about this cause it was a great experience.

So about a year ago I got a splinter. Normally splinters go away by pulling them out or they go so deep they just vanish. Not that case.

It was in my right thumb at a horizontal angle so i couldn't get a good grip.

One day (1 week later) my friend (Bryan) came over and saw the splinter so he said "Dude bite it out." I'M LIKE NO THAT WILL HURT! So he grabs my hand and just rips off that thin layer of skin covering it. No blood but a lot of pain.

Did that not satisfy your thirst for my suffering? Damn it. Ok here is another one.

So about 3? 4-ish? Years ago I lived in an apartment complex. It had this amazing forest that had a stream so me and my friends and I cross the stream. What was I walking on? Oh right A MOSSY LOG!

So I didn't have a good grip and fell into the shallow stream. I tried to reach out to grab the log but failed. My friend (Abby) came over to help pull me out. I was smiling and laughing that I fell in but I was seriously bleeding.

The entire time (10 min) of walking back to my apartment I was fighting the urge to black out. Voices in my head (Melvin didn't have a name at the time) was yelling YOU FOOL WTH WERE YOU THINKING!

Mom freaks out, left arm was disabled for a week, and I had the ugliest scab for about two months.

Happy? Another story in the future!

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