Burn. (Draco and Harry)

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Draco Malfoy held tight of the letters in his hands. Dating all the way back to his first year, he had a secret he could never tell anyone. A secret he only shared with the mirror of Erised. Draco sat in front of the fire Slytherin common room. It was way passed the required curfew. Draco had waited up all this time so he could do this. He was going to erase himself from this façade he had created in his head. He thought he could create a better life for himself, he thought this person he spent years writing letters to could help. He was wrong. Draco felt so broken, so exhausted. His eyes were hidden behind dark circles, he had been reading for hours, his head tossing between burning the letters and keeping them. His paranoia of how people viewed him was gone. He just wanted to be happy, he wanted to live a normal life. Although for Draco that was near impossible, this war was tearing him apart. His moral compass was pointing him in one direction, but the desire for love and approval from his parents were pulling him in another. His cheeks had been stained with tears. Draco needed the person who he considered a friend, but he thought this person cared more for his fame.

He spent years writing letters to the famous Harry Potter, in the beginning the letters were taunting which Harry saw as a cry for help from Draco. The letters soon turned from taunting to honesty. He had written pages upon pages to Harry telling him about everything he could, his parents, the war, even just about the people who annoyed him. He found solace in writing to Harry, Harry was his secret friend. The only people who knew of their friendship was them. Harry gave Draco a new perspective on life. Even though Draco so desperately wanted to hold these letters forever, he knew he couldn't. His parents were cracking down, having hawk-like eyes on his every move. Harry chose his path in life, he was the hero. Draco did the same, but he was going to be painted the villain and it was all for his parent's approval. These letters were the only thing holding him back from becoming the perfect son in his parent's eyes. He blamed everything on these letters, he blamed everything on his 'secret best friend', he blamed everything on Harry.

It was Harry's fault his parents were angry.

It was Harry's fault the dark lord chose him.

It was Harry's fault that Draco ripped himself apart inside.

Even though he didn't want to burn the letters he spent years receiving. He knew he needed to. He couldn't do this to himself anymore, Draco's family would always come before anything in this world. He needed the approval he so craved, and the only thing holding him back were these damn letters. But why couldn't he just throw them in the fire? His body was weak, yet his grip was strong.

"Potter will understand...he has nothing to lose...I have everything to lose..." he spoke to himself, trying to push his hand with words of encouragement. The letter he was holding was the very last one. He looked down at the page and read the last line.

'I will always be here for you, but I understand.' but did he really understand? He never knew his parents, he never had to fight for people's approval. Draco was battling with himself, but he knew the outcome. He took the last letter he had received and tossed it in the fire. The embers roared to life, he watched as beautiful fire consumed something he cared so deeply for. He felt a sudden anger come over him as he watched the paper turn black.

"It's all Potter's fault!" His blonde hair falling into his face as he grabbed a handful of the letters and tossed them into the fire. He felt such hatred for Harry not picking the other side. "The perfect Harry Potter! Why do you have to be the hero all the damn time?!" he felt himself yell, even though at this time he knew he had to be quiet. He grabbed more of the letters and tossed them into the fire. The anger grew, he had to blame someone and he decided it was going to be Harry. Feeling the heat of the flame grow he continued to purge himself of these memories, this ruse that he could be anything more then the villain. Feeling his heart break he began to sob. He fell over onto his hands and knees and bowed his head. The flames burning at a steady pace now. He could not let himself be at fault for this. He looked to his right, nothing, then he looked to his left. His eyes laid on one final letter. He picked it up, stared at it. His cheeks burned from the anger and his eyes hurt from the sadness. He read the letter over and felt his stomach tighten. What were the odds that the last letter he would burn was the first he received. Draco gripped the letter tightly and leaned it into the fire. When the flames grabbed hold of the parchment he let it burn in his hand for a bit. He stared as the fire slowly moved up the paper, before tossing it into the fireplace. His anger had eaten whatever care he had for this boy. He blamed this boy for all his heart ache.

"I hope that you burn Potter..." He fell back onto the floor, he brought his knees to his chest, bowing his head into his knees. He began to cry, he wrapped his arms around his knees. He didn't care who saw him at this point, he was broken.

A/N Inspiration was the song Burn from Hamilton the Musical. Thank you for reading!! I'm sorry this one was so short, I had major writers block haha!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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