Beautiful Beasts. (Ginny and Harry)

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Ginny felt herself fall into a depressive state after she heard the news from the healer. She laid in her bed, not saying a word. She felt the tears roll down her cheeks, she had not been eating or sleeping. She looked and felt sick. Since the news all she felt she could do was lay in bed and cry. It was all her body would allow her to do, she felt like there was an empty hole in her body. It had been at least a month, and yet all she could still do was cry. She hadn't felt a feeling like this since she lost her older brother, but that was years ago, she learned to carry that weight with her. Now instead of it being the weight of one, it was the weight of two. Her husband Harry had been the strong one for the both of them. Although Ginny knew at night, when he thought she was asleep, he would cry. While laying in bed her thoughts would drift to the day that she became empty...

Ginny and Harry had just married a year before, happy and in love. Nothing was wrong in their lives, they had a great living. They also had a loving supportive family. When they reveled the news that they were expecting their family was overjoyed. Their family felt nothing but congratulatory joy. Ginny was overwhelmed with happiness, she knew Harry was going to be a great father. This visit to Saint Mungo's was like every other, just a normal check up on their ever-growing baby. They sat in the room waiting for the Healer to come in. Ginny looked to Harry with such love. "You're going to be such a great father." Ginny said with a grin from ear to ear.

"Well, I don't know about that!" he gave a small chuckle as he brought her hand to his lips. He kissed her hand and then her forehead. "All this waiting, I just want this little Potter to be here."

"Well we do have to wait a bit. This little bundle isn't going to be here for a least a few more months." She gave a small chuckle. A piece of hair had fallen into her face, but was quickly pushed behind her ear by her husband. A knock was heard from the door.

"Come in!" Ginny said in a sing-songy voice. The healer took a second to walk into the room. She smiled to the happy couple. "Hello, Madame Thanatos!"

"Why, Misses Potter, You're absolutely glowing!" Madame Thanatos was an older woman with graying hair and wrinkles. "Let's take a look at the little Potter! Make sure everything is in tip-top shape!" She returned Ginny's smile. They were so excited to become new parents. Ginny had always wanted a big family. She was so excited to finally start her own family. The visit went just as planned, the healer checked the baby and they were on their way. Nothing out of the ordinary. That night, they decorated their tree for Christmas. They had added their newest ornament, 'Babies first Christmas!' Ginny was always a sentimental person, she had to document every milestone in their life. She cooked dinner, they ate, and enjoyed the rest of the night together. When it was time they went to bed, but before going to bed Ginny felt off. She felt as if she was coming down with something, most likely a cold. She drifted into a quiet slumber, curled up close to Harry.

She woke up in the middle of the night as she usually did. She sat up in the bed and felt cramping, she got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. Blood. The sight and smell of blood made her feel frantic. She ran back into the bedroom to wake Harry. "Harry, please wake up!!" from that moment her memory was scattered, she doesn't remember how they got to the Hospital, but what she did remember was the world looking so gray, and the empty feeling. When they arrived to the Hospital a Healer saw them immediately. She laid on the table once more, this time not feeling overjoyed. She felt empty, she didn't want to believe what she already knew. She needed to hear it from a healer to believe it. The table felt cold against the skin that peeked out from the gown they had given her, and the gown felt so coarse. Nothing about this visit to the hospital was inviting. This visit felt nothing like the visit from before. This one was full of fear, fear for her new family. The memories were once again scattered, she doesn't remember the conversation that she had with Harry in the room, she doesn't remember the healer's name. All she remembers is the empty feeling.

"I'm so sorry..."

She remembers those three words the healer said so clearly. She remembers letting out the most gut wrenching cry. She remembers the tears rolling down Harry's face. She doesn't remember the drive home, but she remembers removing the ornament from the tree. Within a couple of hours, two became one, and she felt empty. All she could do was lay in bed and cry.

She remembers the feeling of emptiness...

Harry entered the room and sat onto the bed with her. "Come outside, I have something to show you." Harry sounded how Ginny felt, empty. Ginny didn't respond, she just laid there. Harry was hesitant to put his hand on her back, but he did. "Please Ginny..." His hand felt so warm, his touch was so comforting. This gave her just enough strength to sit up in her bed. She looked sick, her eyes were red from crying, she had lost some weight from not eating. Harry put a hand on her hair and kissed her forehead. Ginny nodded and grabbed his hand, not saying a word. She stood from the bed, put on a coat and a pair of slippers, and followed him out of the house. The earth felt just as cold as her body did. The world lost all of it's color since she lost the baby. Upon exiting the house, they took a long walk. A walk she kind of wished she didn't have to take. When they were close to their destination Harry instructed Ginny to close her eyes. A little more time passed. "Okay...Open them" her eyes were met with, what she believed to be, beautiful looking beasts. Ones she had never seen before, they were dark in color, the look of horses, but beautiful in their own way. She approached one and touched it, the beast moved into her touch.

"They're beautiful...I've never seen them before..." Harry looked to her, his eyes full of tears, yet he smiled because she smiled.

"They're Thestrals..." Harry tilted his head slightly to the side, just taking in the image of his wife smiling, he hadn't seen her smile in so long. He missed it.

"So these are the things we rode? It's finally good to be able to put a face to something I've imagined for only sometime. They're not as scary as people say..." Ginny shrugged her shoulders and looked back to Harry.

Feeling the tears sting the corners of his eyes he continued to speak. "Only the one's who have seen death can see them...I wanted to share with you something beautiful that comes from such sorrow...Something I have been able to see for quite sometime..." She looked to him her tired eyes filled with tears. She embraced Harry, she hadn't held him so tight before. She knew they'd get through this together, like they did everything else.

A/N  I am so sorry that anyone would ever have to experience a pain like this. It is dedicated to all the families that have ever had to experience such a terrible pain, and to all the ones who were taken before their lives even began.

And to the couple who came into my job and had to return a Christmas onesie they had purchased.

Thank you for reading.

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