The Fountain. (Seamus and Draco)

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Seamus had been walking around after hours, he enjoyed exploring the castle while just listening to the quiet. He had been in his sixth year, he found as time passed he wasn't so much as an extrovert as he thought. As Seamus walked along he was with himself and his thoughts, it was nice to be able to recharge after a long day of having to entertain people. As much as Seamus did not seem it to his friends, he was an introvert. He loved being with himself, and even though he enjoyed the company of others, it got tiresome quickly. He used the time after hours for himself. He would sneak out after his roommates had fallen asleep. Slipping on his quietest slippers, he would trot down the stairs and bring nothing but his wand, and possibly a sweater if needed. This was something he did every night. Exploring wasn't something people knew he liked to do, and it sure wasn't something he was going to tell his friends anytime soon. He loved the time to himself. He could recharge his batteries, it gave him enough time to relax before having to be the life of the party the next day. It wasn't like it was hard being him or that he didn't enjoy it. He, just like everyone, needed time to himself.

His silent walk through the castle was so soothing. It was something he looked forward to at the end of the day, after the exams, the classes, and work. Seamus used his free hand to drag along the castle pillars. Letting his hands scan each individual one, enjoying the tingling the stone left on his finger tips. He smiled to himself. His favorite part of the exploration was the solitude. While he was making his way past the castle's fountain he stopped, he enjoyed the scenery for a bit. Taking in a deep breath, the air smelled of burning fire wood. One of his favorite smells from back home. Seamus stood there for a second just taking it all in. Seamus was suddenly taken out of his enjoyment from a sound. The fear of getting caught came over him. Seamus quickly hid behind a pillar as best he could, hoping if he stood still enough the person wouldn't recognize him and he could slip away unnoticed.

"Stupid..." A quiet voice came from the side of the fountain. Seamus watched quietly as a familiar face threw a rock at the pillar. Seamus could feel the anger the kid had, even though he looked and sounded familiar, it was too dark to fully know who it was. "Stupid, you're so stupid!!" The voice seemed to shout this. Seamus kept a firm hand on his wand, and a keen eye on the figure. Maybe now would be a good time to just run? There would be no reason to stick around and possibly get into trouble, not only for being out late but for eavesdropping. Although for some reason his feet seemed to be planted to the ground. It was like there was a magnet keeping him in that place.

The figure seemed to stop at the edge of the fountain. He leaned his palms on the fountain to look at himself. "You're useless..." Seamus could almost pin point his voice, it was on the tip of his tongue. "Fucking useless..." Seamus watched silently as the figure ripped at himself. The figure began to splash the water, almost as if he wanted to hit himself. Feeling a pang of empathy in his chest. He watched as the figure sat on the edge of the fountain. He grabbed the sides of his arms and bowed his head, he began to cry. Seamus felt so bad, he felt as if he needed to comfort the figure. Seamus felt himself take a step from the pillar. His mind was telling him to run, but his heart couldn't let this person feel alone. His heart was too big for that. He just listened silently as the figure sobbed. Seamus listened as the figure repeated those damaging words to himself.

"You're not useless.." Seamus felt his mouth speak without his brain's permission, but by the time he noticed he said it out loud it was too late. Even though he thought he should run, he didn't, Seamus took another step forward. The figure was taken back by the voice. He quickly stood and drew his wand, he was certainly jumpy.

"Who are you!?" The figure's voice was trembling.

"You're not useless or stupid." Seamus' mouth once again spoke without thinking. His heart was in full control, he couldn't witness this person tear themselves apart without trying to help. His heart bled for the other. The figure took a step back, right into the moonlight. It was Draco Malfoy, a boy he was bullied by for years. His eyes were red and swollen. His eyes weren't full of life, but so drained. He looked sick, and emotionally drained. This was not the Malfoy people had known. "At least I don't think you are..." Seamus shrugged his shoulders, keeping his distance from the other boy.

"You don't even know me..." Draco spat back, Seamus never noticed how many walls this boy had kept up. He never let his guard down to anyone, he didn't even think he let it down around his 'friends'.

"I don't have to know you to know you're not useless. You also seem to be pretty smart in class, I guess. You participate more then me that's for sure." Seamus felt himself chuckle, which in return made the other one let out a small chuckle. Seamus looked to the ground as the other wiped his face. Seamus felt Malfoy's embarrassment, so he pretended as if he didn't notice he was crying. Seamus could feel his pain, he hated to see people in pain. When he heard another sniff he looked up. Seamus and Draco just stood there, awkwardly staring at one another. Seamus felt his arms raise as he took a step forward, this wasn't something he though Draco would accept, especially not from someone he consistently bullied. He left them open, inviting Draco in for a hug. To Seamus' surprise he felt the boy's body crash into his. Seamus lightly patted his back reassuringly. He heard the taller man let out a small sob. "You're not useless..." Seamus once again said, this time more quiet. He felt the other tighten his grip, hugging him tighter. Seamus felt Draco's tears soak his shirt, but he didn't mind. They stood there for what felt like hours. Nothing said, just silence.

"Thank you..." A quiet voice came from the taller blonde. After that night Seamus never explored alone. He would walk along side the broken Slytherin, not saying a word, just enjoying the silence and one another's company.

A/N Thank you for reading!! I am always accepting pairing and theme suggestions!!

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