Miss Know-it-all. (Ron and Hermione)

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"She's such a little know-it-all. I can't take it!" He grabbed at his Gryffindor tie and pulled on it to loosen it. "I figured I wouldn't have to deal with that after coming to school, at least not until Ginny was old enough." Ron messed with his ginger hair and sighed heavily.

"I think you're being a little harsh there, Ron." his best friend Harry was always so accepting of people. "I think she's just excited is all." Harry shrugged his shoulders while removing his cloak. "We all are." Ron rolled his eyes and leaned on his bed. It had been a couple months since they started school, they surely did get comfortable in the time they had been there, or at least Ron did. His bed was as messy as his hair half of the time. The only time he ever cleaned was when he was required to, which wasn't very often.

"But like let's be serious Harry. You really can't tell me she doesn't annoy you. She always has to be right! She never let's anyone else answer anything! How am I supposed to learn if she keeps answering all the questions?!" Ron was just trying to justify his anger for this girl.

"Do you ever really know the answers anyways?" Harry pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"No, but..."

"See." Harry shrugged once again, he was just trying to play devil's advocate and Ron understood that, but no one got under his skin as much as Hermione did.

"Well, I don't have to like Miss know-it-all." Ron stated while crossing his arms. He looked away from Harry, he just wanted to be angry and his best friend wasn't letting him.

"She does have a name." Harry stated.

"Yeah. So?" Once again Ron rolled his eyes.

"I wish I could spend all day with you complaining about Hermione, but I have to go." Harry gave a sarcastic tone, Ron scoffed a bit but nodded.

"Alright. I guess I will see you later." Ron pushed his tongue to his cheek, he was still heated, he didn't feel he vented enough. Although he knew he couldn't hold Harry here forever just to complain.

"Don't let it eat away at you, Ron." and with that Harry left the room. Ron was now alone with his thoughts. He laid back on his bed letting out a huff. This know-it-all made him feel so inadequate. He didn't understand how a girl could make him feel that way, so less then. Not to mention his new best friend was taking her side. He let out a small grumble as he stood from his bed. He removed his robe and vest, leaving his collard shirt and loosened tie on. Instead of sitting there angry, he was going to go to the common room to try and cool down. Ron began to trot his way down the stone stairs, making his way to the Gryffindor common room. This was the time most people had a free moment, so they rarely spent it in the common room. Instead they would be out hanging with their friends, practicing Quidditch, or even just wandering around the castle, instead of being cooped up inside. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he found the frizzy haired girl crying. Ron gave an awkward cough to let her know he was standing there. Hermione quickly wiped away the tears that were falling from her cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." Ron said while taking a step back onto the stairs.

"No, I'm sorry..." Hermione crossed her arms and turned her face to the fire. "I should have known better then to cry in a public area..." She rubbed the back of her neck and gave a small sigh. "I..." Ron started to feel bad about how he ranted about her. He rubbed one of his elbows with the opposite hand, feeling a little uneasy. "People hate me..."

"What?" Ron was taken back by this comment. She really didn't feel like that did she? He wasn't really sure why she would say that. Hermione brought her knees to her chest, tucking her head between them. Ron pushed himself from the wall and walked to the chair across from her.

"You can be kind of annoying sometimes." Ron stated, most of the time he didn't use his thought filter, this should have been one of those times he did. He wasn't trying to hurt her feelings but this made her sink further into her knees from embarrassment.

"Thanks for the confidence boost..." Hermione muffled into her knees. She pulled her head from her knees and looked to the fire once more.

"Just because you're kind of annoying doesn't mean people hate you." Ron began to back peddle, he didn't mean to hurt her feelings, at this moment he really wish he used that filter of his. Ron looked at her. Noticing the way the light touched her face, this gave him butterflies.

"I don't have a single friend, Ronald." Ron hated when people referred to him by his full first name. It was almost like nails on a chalkboard, but knowing she was upset right now he wasn't going to correct her. Ron looked to the fire, he could feel her eyes on him.

"Harry doesn't hate you." once again shrugging he looked back to her, their eyes connecting. "I don't hate you." he was actually being honest, he thought she was annoying but seeing her like this made her seem human. She wasn't the emotionless robot-like know-it-all he thought her to be. Hermione felt a blush cross her cheeks, no one had ever been so nice to her before. She pushed her fluffy hair behind her ears. "You can be kind of annoying, but I certainly don't hate you...I guess I kind of envy you...You're so smart, and I can't get a question right even if I tried..." Ron was finally admitting to himself why he was so angry with her, it wasn't because he hated her, it was because he envied her intelligence.

"I envy your humor." She said while smiling, once again wiping her weepy eyes. "You're always the life of the room, Everyone think's you're great." There was a pause between them before she spoke again. "I think you're great." Ron looked down at his knees, the butterflies were getting worse. He patted his knees and stood up.

"Well, I am going to get something to eat from the Great Hall." Ron began making his way to portrait, so he could exit the common room. When he reached the portrait he turned around. "You coming?" Ron looked to Hermione who was staring at the fire. She turned to him with a confused face. She hadn't been invited anywhere, she had just assumed he was going alone.

"Really?" She asked raising her eyebrows hopefully.

"If you don't hurry I will go alone." He said while exiting the common room. Hermione quickly stood from her seat and followed him. From that moment on Ron and Hermione were inseparable. From then on the goofy redhead never went anywhere alone, and Miss Know-it-all finally had a friend.

A/N Thank you for reading! I am always accepting pairing or theme suggestions!

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