Interview #27- Depraved

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Author- LightsGoDown

Date- 2/13/12

1) What is the name/genre of your story?

My story is called ' Depraved' Its a Short Stort slash Fan Fiction:)

2) What is your story about?

'Depraved' Is My Twist on the world wide tale; Beauty And The Beast:)xD

3) Do you have anymore stories written on Wattpad?

I used to, its was co-written but the account got deleted:/xD

4) Is there anyone that inspired you to write?

Nope:P I can't really think of anyone:P They're stuff that inspires me but no none:PxD

5) How did you come across Wattpad?

I think it was when I was on my ipod app store and I was looking at random stuff and up popped this:P

6) Is there any genre you prefer reading and/or writing?

I prefer to write and read teen fiction romance and humour:) Horror and thrillers vamps werewolfs supernatrual and all that stuff gives me the heebiejeebies:PxD

7) Is there any Wattpad clubs you enjoy being in?

Cant think:P

8) Is there any addition info readers should know?

Ehhh Hey fans and readers:) Im trying yo upload 2 chapter per night but if i dont sowee:( I have a life:P and school is hetic at the moment so yeah:P Comment&vote and there might be a new story on the hozizon:PXD

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