Chapter 9

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Angie woke up to knocking at the front door, she figured no one else would be answering it anytime soon, she looked over at Liz who was still sound asleep 'how the hell cant she hear this right now? Either she's ignoring it or she's becoming deaf' Angie thought to herself and laughed a little at the last little bit of her thought. She figured Julia was already at work or sleeping off another hangover, she made her way down stairs and to the front door.

"Barnabas?" She was lost for words and quite terrified of what was going to happen next, she couldn't say anything else but just stare at him.

"What are you doing her Angelique? HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?"

"Barnabas I-" but before she could finish her sentence he had his hand firmly around her neck.

"How dare you come back to Collingwood" he said.

"Barnabas! Let her go!" Liz yelled from the top of the staircase. Barnabas let go of  Angie slightly pushing her, causing her to stumble a little, she held her chest and coughed for air, tears had begun to roll down her cheeks.

"I didn't come back to ruin your life okay? To be honest I didn't want you to even know I was here" she said before waking off.

"Why would you let her in this house?" Barnabas asked Liz who was now at the door.

"Okay first of all she this is my house, and secondly she needs help right now, and I told you to never come back here after I found out what you did to Julia and how you sent my brother away leaving poor David confused, he might have forgiven you but I haven't!"

"I won't let her in Collinsport, I own this place"

"Not anymore Barnabas, I do now and you haven't for a very long time, now please will you leave" she said before slamming the door and heading upstairs to comfort Angie.

When she got to the room she saw her in Julia's arms, she was sobbing hard and shaking, Liz decided to go and check on Angela, she didn't want her to see her mother like that.

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