Abused..Please Save Me

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Hey, I'm sorry about this one... Its pretty bad, but good at the same time.
I hope you like how it turns out later on.
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Calum's P.O.V.

I could hear it. The sound of the engine running as his car pulled into the driveway. The door slamming shut...

He's here.

I heard him fumble with the keys for a little bit, cursing under his breath, before finally getting the door unlocked... He's drunk again.

He always is.

I don't think I've got the energy to hide as my body, especially my  stomach area, still hurts from the blows I received last night and I'm limping. I never thought our relationship would ever come to this.

Within a matter of seconds, just as I was about to reach the top of the stairs and hide in the bathroom, a loud, angry voice yelled. "Calum!" Oh no... He's here. He noticed my groans, my attempt to muffle them failing as I tried to get away, and he started to walk up the steps towards me.

I tried to move faster but my body was failing me and the pain was unbearable.

A strong hand grabbed me by my head and pulled my hair, making me yelp, forcefully tilting my head backwards to look at him.

He was staring right at me, pulling my hair even harder, making me yell out in pain, begging him not to hurt me anymore, even though we both new that wasn't going to happen.

It was like this every night for the past month. My abusive boyfriend, Bruce, did this to me countless times. He would come home every night, drunk, reeking of alcohol and sweat and he would beat me senseless... But it wasn't like that at first. It all started when he got fired from his job because they found out he was gay and blamed it all on me, saying I'm such a mistake and that he didn't even know what he was thinking to ever like someone like me.

We met at the mall. He worked as a sales assistant at Hot Topic. He got paid a decent amount because its a very popular store. I was trying on a pair of skinny jeans and he said I looked rather sexy in them, making me blush.

We exchanged numbers and he asked me out after a week of texting. We were so in love. My friends told me he wasn't really into me and was just using me for my body, just because he was six years older, but I didn't listen because every time I looked into his big, brown eyes, I was reassured that everything was gonna be okay and that he wasn't who my friends said he was.

I thought that for a while because everything was okay and people's opinions didn't matter in our relationship... It was just Bruce and I against the world.

We made plans of moving into a bigger house when he got a better job and how we were gonna have a family and raise kids together... He made me feel so special and I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

Then one day, I went to visit him at work because I was bored at our apartment. He seemed reluctant to let me in the store... I didn't know what the matter was because he wasn't so happy to see me, causing me to pout and wrap my arms around his waist.

He gave in and pulled me close and we made out in the back of the store for a few minutes, luckily, no one was around... At least that's what I thought before I heard a deep voice from across the room, yell, "Bruce! What the hell is going on?! You're supposed to be working! Who the hell is this and why are you sucking each other's faces off in my store?!" I'm pretty sure that was his boss. He looked very angry.

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