Chapter 1

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Saturday, March 8, 1975

            Angela sat in her room for hours after dinner trying to figure out how to go about responding to the letter. She had read it over and over that the words were imprinted into her brain. If any line stood out to her, it was always the very last line. Pray for me, Jason.

            She held a notepad in her lap and a pen at the ready. Clicking the top a few times, she took a deep breath and began to write.

            Dear Jason,

                    I found your letter in a pile of mail the other day and I have to say I was scared to open it. I didn’t know what to expect from a letter addressed with the word “Vietnam.” I can honestly say that I have no idea what to say to you to put you at ease, but that’s just it. I don’t know what to say to you. I can’t imagine living everyday never knowing whether or not it was my last day to live.

            Angela felt like her heart was beginning to feel lighter and lighter as she wrote her private thoughts down on the notepad.

            Ever since the start of the war my hometown has been a miserable place. I say that about where I am, but I can only imagine where you are is much worse. I was hoping after hours of thinking, I could come up with a better response and I’m sorry I can’t. The only thing I can truly tell you is that if you do get this letter and you do send one back, you can count on a response.

                        I’ll be praying for you,


            She tore the sheet of paper from her notepad and folded it evenly into three parts. Reaching over to her night stand, she retrieved an envelope which she slid the letter into before putting the address of Jason’s letter on it. She made sure to tuck the letter safely into her nightstand drawer before sliding under the covers of her bed. Tomorrow was another day of school for her, and she was dreading going to classes when Jason was the only thing on her mind.

            “Goodnight, Jason.” She whispered as she said a silent prayer to herself before sleep overcame her.

            “Angela, come on honey. Wake up!” Angela’s mother smiled as she walked into her daughter’s room. She raised the blinds, letting the morning light brighten the room.

            “It can’t be morning right now.” Angela groaned in protest feeling the covers being ripped off of her by her mother. She grunted. “Just ten more minutes.” She pleaded.

            “No can do kiddo, now let’s get a move on. You only have a half hour to get ready before Carly comes to get you.”

            Angela reluctantly rose from her bed and made her way over to the bathroom across the hall where she proceeded to get ready for another day of school. She was in the final stretch of her senior year and she couldn’t wait to get out of her local high school.

            Splashing water on her face, she rinsed away the dark circles under her eyes before hopping into the shower to freshen her up. Angela stood in the shower hardly ten minutes before her mother’s voice came from the other side of the door. “Breakfast is ready, Ang! Fifteen more minutes!”

            Angela shut the water off and grabbed a towel to wrap around her body before she walked back into her room to find some decent clothes. She settled on a crochet top and a pair of high waisted shorts. Angela never spent a lot of time on her appearance because she didn’t care how she looked to anyone else. She was herself and that was enough for her.

Letters from Vietnam [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now