When You're With Me~ Chapter. 4

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"Alright! I got my monitors, mouse, keyboard and computer. Everything's here!" Mitch claps his hands and they both walk out of the room. They joke around and have a basically good time, while both are thinking about doing more. (NOT LIKE THAT YOU PERVS)

"Oh god it's already 4:00! Do you think we should get going?" Jerome comments, checking his watch.

"Oh yeah! Let's get going!" Mitch responds grabbing his phone. They get in the car, Jerome driving and Mitch in the passenger seat. They had a two hour drive ahead of them. Mitch was on his phone the whole time, constantly asking Jerome if he wanted Mitch to drive part of the way.

They finally got to the restaurant they were planning to meet at. They walked in to see In, Quinten, Ty, Adam and Jason sitting at a booth, laughing their asses off.

"Hey guys!" Jerome says, waving his hand in the air.

"Mitch! Jerome!" They all say, getting up to hug their friends. Mitch notices Adam and Ty holding hands, and squeals a bit.

"SKYLOX IS REAL!" he yells, pointing at their hands.

"Adam, did you not tell them?" Ty laughs, as Adam's face turns pink.

"I forgot..." He chuckles.

"WE CAN TALK ABOUT SKYLOX LATER! Now is the time for meetings!" Jason says, pointing his finger in the air. We all laugh and sit down, beginning to talk about future plans.

~My favorite cookie: Skiperdoodles! (punpunpunpun)~

We wave goodbye to all of the guys except for Sky and Ty, who were staying at the same hotel as them and offered to give them a ride. Jerome would pick up his car when they left.

Sky drove with Ty in the passenger seat, and Mitch and Jerome in the back. The laughed and Joked, Ty's face almost completely red from laughing at Adam so much, when suddenly, he felt warm skin touch his hand, and jolt away. He looked up at Jerome who was already staring at him with his red face, trying to cover up embarrassment.

Sorry! He mouthed.

It's fine. Mitch smiled and shook his head, relieving Jerome's embarrassment. They got to the hotel and parted ways, Jerome and Mitch in room 249, Sky and Ty in room 212. As Mitch unlocked the door, they went in, observing their surroundings. It was like any normal hotel, tan carpet, a small bathroom, but only one bed. Mitch panicked.

"Uh- I asked for two beds....should I go down and ask for a new one?" Mitch stuttered a bit.

"It's fine, it's late and that's too much trouble." Jerome said kindly. The truth was, Jerome didn't mind it. He wanted to have one bed.

"oh uh- ok."

They sit on the bed, and turn on the TV, switching through the channels to fund something to watch.

"Uh, Mitch?" Jerome asks, turning to Mitch.


"Sorry about the uh...awkwardness in the car...." He says looking down.

This is my chance.... Mitch thought.

just do it.


say it.

"It's ok. I...." Mitch struggled. Was he really doing this?

"I enjoyed it."

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