Growing Concerns

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A week had passed since the news of Sirius and Marlene's incident had reached the ears of the school. Doe had begun her vengeance on Sirius by putting chocolate laxatives in cupcakes left for him by a 'secret admirer', as well as hexing him to make all of his hair fall out. When James heard, he'd gotten into a fistfight with Sirius, though they'd made up after. After having poured the firewhisky over Sirius's head, Lily took to vanishing the second Sirius came into her eyesight, not giving him any chances to talk to her.

As for Marlene, she was not handling the situation at all well. For the first three days, she'd taken up getting drunk every night. Lily held back her hair as she threw up, and comforted her afterward while Marlene sobbed into her shoulder on the floor beside the loo. She'd eventually gotten sick of drinking and quit it, though she'd been making a new habit of not showing up to most of the classes that Sirius was in. Lily, out of consideration for her friend's feelings, brought her the homework and notes she'd taken. After a week, however, Marlene began showing up again, mostly due to Lily pestering her about her education. She'd also found a way to get back at Sirius. Aside from referring to him as 'that' in his presence, she'd found Caradoc Dearborn. He'd apparently become a regular in her bed, though Lily couldn't help but to think that Marlene was only making things worse for herself.

And Lily had never seen Sirius in such a state. According to James, who'd been keeping tabs on him and reporting them to Lily (though she pretended as if she didn't want to hear a word of it), when he wasn't drunk, he was trying to be. He still showed up to classes, though Lily suspected it was only to be near Marlene. Although Lily was still upset with him, she couldn't help the concern that set in when she saw him stumbling down a corridor. She hid the sentiment well from Marlene and Doe, though James could see right through it. He was the only one who seemed to understand that she was caught between loyalty and kindness.

Their breakup aside, the rest of the wizarding world wasn't doing too well either, Lily learned, as she read The Daily Prophet over breakfast and choked on her pumpkin juice.

MASSACRE AT ST MUNGO'S read the headline. There was a moving photograph on the front of the Dark Mark over St Mungo's. Lily threw open the newspaper and disappeared behind it.

James, who'd also begun to receive The Daily Prophet, but only ever read it if Lily found it worthwhile, picked up his own copy and began to read.

Lily, done before him, set aside her paper, waiting impatiently for him to finish reading. When he finally looked up, she burst out: "Attacking a hospital! How sick can you get? Thirty-two people murdered. Thirty-two." Twenty had been patients, five had been visiting family members, and seven were staff. She felt like vomiting, but had not a thought to spare on her remaining breakfast.

He frowned at her, his face going pale, hazel eyes serious and sad. On what seemed unconscious and perhaps done on instinct, James reached for her hand under the table and gripped it tight. "Nine were children." His voice was distant, pained.

"Nine," Lily breathed.

"Nine what?" Sirius said from across the table. Lily had begun to tolerate Sirius's presence at meals, only due to James's begging.

Momentarily forgetting her anger amidst her shock, she glanced at him. "Nine children. Killed at St Mungo's from a Death Eater attack."

Sirius's gaze snapped over to the Slytherin table, and he pulled out a flask, which Lily knew would be full of alcohol. He took a long swig.

"Careful there. I'll take away more House points if I have to." She said sharply.

"Oh, piss off, Lily." Sirius replied nastily, black eyes rolling at her, before he stood and left the dining hall.

The Doe & The Stag {James Potter & Lily Evans}Where stories live. Discover now